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June 14, 2024

Jing Yan

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Jing Yan after her second round at the Meijer LPGA Classic. Two 68s in a row. Just talk me through your solid stretch of play the last couple days.

JING YAN: Well, I felt like I was playing pretty well the last few weeks. I played at Upper Montclair, struck it pretty well. And ShopRite as well; just didn't really have the putts.

I feel like if I just kept myself steady and made the putts I would have a couple good rounds. Just trying to keep that mindset. Hit more greens, which is nice, and made a couple putts.

Q. Yeah. You're the only player in the field without a bogey so far.

JING YAN: Sweet.

Q. What's been the secret to keeping the mistakes off the card?

JING YAN: Yesterday it was easier. I hit 16 greens. If I just hit a couple good putts, good speed, that was good.

Today a little bit more of a struggle. Whenever I missed the greens I really just tried to keep my target small and think of them as an up and down opportunity. Yeah, just it was fun. Last hole I was kind of in the bunker and I was like oh, maybe.

But I try not to think about that, yeah.

Q. Where are those like places on the course out here that have been pretty tricky, especially compared to your morning round versus the afternoon round today?

JING YAN: I would say probably there is a couple holes where the drives are pretty tight, and probably 17 would be one.

No. 9 would be one.

It's almost like tennis where you have to hit the right shots at the right time. Yeah, those are a couple good holes out there.

Other than that, just try to keep it on the fairway, on the greens. The course yields plenty of opportunities.

Q. Seems you like the par-5s, 8 and 18. What's your secret to success on those holes?

JING YAN: I think hitting the drive in the fairway is really important. Didn't do it on 18 today, but with it being a shorter hole there is probably just a short wedge even if you do miss the fairway.

Just try to think of it as a good opportunity to go for.

Q. I noticed the last you few times you played this event you missed the cut. What maybe are you seeing different about the course this year? Anything?

JING YAN: I feel like the courses that I traditionally play well at, this year I haven't, and the courses -- so maybe it's just an upside down year.

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