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June 14, 2024

Nanna Koerstz Madsen

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Nanna Koerstz Madsen after her second round at the Meijer LPGA Classic. Solid round today; really good. No bogeys on the card and a ton of birdies/an eagle. Can you just taking us through the round today?

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: Yeah, pretty solid out there. Hit a lot of good shots, a lot fairways.

Was struggling a little bit on the back nine, but made some really good putts to not make any bogeys.

Yeah, it was a good day overall.

Q. Where are some of the bogey holes out there? I know some holes play really tricky. How great is it to not have any bogeys and how hard is that to do?

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: I made two putts from 30 feet, 20 feet to not make a bogey, so that helped a bit.

But you can get a bogey everywhere out there. If you're in the rough in the wrong spot, then it's not so good. The par-5s are obviously a little easier here, but you can find bogeys anywhere on the golf course.

Q. I know you had a pretty solid round yesterday; finished 1-under. How good was it to have sort of a solid afternoon round out here before you head into the weekend?

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: Yeah, yesterday afternoon was super tricky with the wind. It was blowing, I don't know, a lot. I was just happy being under par yesterday.

And didn't have to fight too much today to like keep it up, so, yeah, it was good.

Q. What were some of the highlight holes for you today?

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: Well, I made the eagle on 8; I was in the trees on the right and got a super lucky bounce. Had to punch it out and ended up hitting to two meters.

So that was a clutch eagle. Probably that.

Q. Going into this weekend, how are you feeling confidence-wise and what are some of the things you're looking forward to?

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: Well, I've been very comfortable with my driver, which is super important out here because you want to stay in the fair ways.

But, yeah, I'm just going to try and do the same thing, work on the things I've been working on, maintaining, and hopefully I can play well this weekend.

Q. You played this event before, right?

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: Yeah, but I haven't actually been here for the last three years. I played it back, yeah, four years ago.

Q. Anything about this course particularly that you like that may suit your game specifically?

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: Honestly, it's a reason I haven't been here in three years, and it's not because of the tournament. I think the course is actually more tricky than I think it's playing.

But because I've been able to be in the fairway I've been able to score.

Q. You like it a little better now after today?

NANNA KOERSTZ MADSEN: I do. I realize if I just stay in the fairway you're fine here.

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