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June 14, 2024

Brooke Henderson

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Brooke Henderson after her second round at the Meijer LPGA Classic. Another really solid round out there. Was it playing a little better than yesterday and how was it different?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was much softer and not as much wind. I wish I could have capitalized a little bit more on a few birdie opportunities. At the same time, happy with 3-under and excited to play the weekend, and excited to hopefully make a climb up the leaderboard and put myself in good positions.

Q. With the conditions this morning versus yesterday, how good do you feel now about your afternoon round? How important was it to have a good afternoon round?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, played much harder for the afternoon wave than the morning, so it was nice to kind of keep up with the morning leaders at minus-5.

When I didn't go out and shoot as low today, it kind of, yeah, really put things in perspective that yesterday was a really great round and I wish I could have done a little bit better today.

Still halfway point, so lots of golf left. I'm excited for the opportunity.

Q. What are you expecting might be different about the course tomorrow, Saturday? Maybe a little longer or...

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, this course can always play really exciting on the weekend. There is a lot of holes that you can get there in two. They will move some tees around. I am expecting they'll probably put the par-3, No. 13, way back, and it's a really long shot.

So definitely going to be a couple changes I assume. Like I said, this can be a really fun golf course, especially on the weekend, lots of low scores.

So I think it's going to be really exciting finish.

Q. Even today, huge contingent out there following you guys. How much do you love the energy and how does that help your game?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I love it here. You know, there is so many great fans and so many fun activities for them to do. And then also watch golf. So it's just a great family friendly event.

There are so many people out here Friday morning, and I look forward to the crowds continuing to grow. For me, I have lots of friends and family here, too, so makes it really special.

Q. Talk about just the excitement of being in the thick of things heading into the weekend.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it's a really exciting spot to be in. This year, the last couple months I really haven't been in this spot. Prior to that I was in it a little bit more, so I'm excited to be back in this position.

Lots of golf left to be played. It's going to be a very crowded leaderboard and I'm going to be few shots back definitely by the start of tomorrow. Hopefully just have a solid round and climb up the leaderboard as much as possible.

Q. Been seeing you in bits and pieces the last two. Looks like you knocked out a lot of those (indiscernible), which really keep momentum going, keep a round going. Does that feel about right?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, that's a very fair assessment. My putter has been up and down a little bit, but more the most part been really on this week and it's really bailed me out. Made a lot of clutch par saves, especially yesterday. But even today finishing my 18th hole with a par save.

So it's nice to have some confidence back in the putter. I look forward to rolling in a few more this weekend.

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