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June 14, 2024

Jiwon Jeon

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Jiwon Jeon after her second round in the Meijer LPGA Classic. Second time playing here, right?


Q. Really good rounds back-to-back. What do you like about this course?

JIWON JEON: I think I play this course two years ago, which was my first time, as a rookie. And then at the time I really like the golf course. I think I made the cut and I don't know where I finished, but I really like the golf course.

So I had a really good memory of the course. So I just came out with the confidence starting today, and then just the confidence just went on throughout the round.

So I think that's why I played well today.

Q. Yesterday seemed like the afternoon was playing trickier than the morning. Do you think that's true, it played a little bit easier in the morning here?

JIWON JEON: Yeah, so yesterday I think we had 30 miles of gusts on the course yesterday, which was playing a little tough.

But I tried to stay patient with the wind and obviously it's not, I mean easy golf course to get on, but I just try my best to stick to my game plan yesterday.

And then today I knew it was going to be really calm this morning. And then if I just play my game today, I thought I will play really well.

And then yesterday I shot 3-under so that kind of carried on today, and then just kind of, yeah, worked out really well today.

Q. How important do you think it was to play a good round, good afternoon round heading into the weekend?

JIWON JEON: I think it's really important because we had a quick turnaround because we had 40 minutes delay because of the weather, and then I kind of got done late and had to wake up early.

So I think the momentum just carried on from yesterday, and then even today I had a really good round.

So for the weekend I think I'm looking forward to see more birdies out there, and then Saturday is going to be moving day so see how it goes.

Q. What's the secret to making birdies out here on this course? I know you made a lot of them.

JIWON JEON: Well, I think the rough is kind of sticky, so if you keep it in the fairway and hit the greens you have a really high chance to make birdies.

I think the green is not that big out here, so if you hit the greens then you probably have a high chance to make birdies out here.

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