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June 13, 2024

Sergio Garcia

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Sergio Garcia, 1-under 69. Sergio, talk a little bit about the last week. Obviously you knew where you were in terms of the alternate list but kind of finalizing that and your prep.

SERGIO GARCIA: Well, my prep was quite simple. It was LIV Houston last week, played nicely there, so that obviously -- it's always a positive. Then obviously we knew that we had some chances of getting in here, and then when they told us that we were first alternate for the tournament, obviously they told us that probably at least 90 percent chance of playing, so that was nice, we got a house, arranged everything and got here on Tuesday midday.

Played a couple of practice rounds and got ready for today.

Q. 1-under round at a U.S. Open, being under par. I'm sure you're pleased with that. Talk a little bit about the test out there, though.

SERGIO GARCIA: Yeah, definitely. Obviously to shoot under par in a U.S. Open, which is a championship that I love, it's always great. To go bogey-free is even greater. It's something that I give a lot of respect to, and I'm very proud of. I've had the pleasure of playing this championship 25 years in a row, so not a lot of people get to do that, so I'm very, very happy to be here, and that's why I keep trying to qualify and make it here.

Very happy about the way I played, the way I managed my game throughout the whole round, and how patient I stayed all day.

Q. You did mention the 25-year streak. When exactly did you find out that you were in the field, and at that point how elated were you to continue that streak?

SERGIO GARCIA: I found out on Monday morning. We knew that the chances were good. But until you get confirmation, obviously it's always a little uncertain.

We found out on Monday morning, and we already had plans to come here as an alternate even if we didn't have the confirmation on Monday, but as soon as we got it, then obviously even better.

Q. Can you just talk about your driving. You talked about it a little bit outside today. Just how well you drove the ball today. You said there were sometimes you drove it so well but you couldn't even really aim at the flags.

SERGIO GARCIA: Well, don't get me wrong; I did drive it really, really well. Very aggressively, too. And you can. You can aim at flags from the spots that I was. You can, but if you're not perfect, all the good work that you do from the tee can be -- you can throw it in the trash in a couple of holes where you're just a little bit off, and you can struggle to make even bogey here.

I tried to stay very calm and very committed to what I wanted to do, which was to hit a lot of greens after driving the ball that well and give myself a lot of outside chances for birdie, a lot of between 15- and 30-footers for birdie and hoping that you get one of those days when you make three or four, and then it's an amazing day. You don't, like today, it's still a great day.

I was very happy to do that all day.

Q. You mentioned playing at every U.S. Open for 25 years. You've seen every venue. Is there something about this venue that particularly suits your game or you find comfortable to your strengths?

SERGIO GARCIA: I've always liked it here. I've obviously played in 2005 and 2014. I did very well in 2005. The course was playing different than it is now.

But yeah, I feel like -- I've always liked U.S. Opens because I don't feel like you have to birdie every hole. I don't feel like -- you're making a lot of pars, you're not losing really much ground, other than a couple of venues that we played in the last maybe seven or eight years.

I think that on a course like this, like Pinehurst No. 2, you can celebrate a lot of pars, and that's what we were doing today. Obviously I made a nice birdie on 5. You just have to be consistent. It's as simple as that.

Q. (On the low scores shot today.)

SERGIO GARCIA: You know, all of these players are so good. There's always going to be someone that has the kind of day that hits the ball great, everything goes his way, makes a couple of bombs, and you can shoot it. Yeah, of course you can shoot it. Are we going to see it consistently? If it doesn't rain, I don't think so. You might see someone, yeah, shooting another 66 or 65 or something like that, but at the end of the day, I think as the course gets even firmer, even faster, a tiny bit of breeze comes up here and there, it's going to be difficult to shoot those kind of scores.

I think if you're able to stay around par, maybe 1-under like I did today, I don't think you're going to be far away.

Q. Do you feel like you still have anything to prove in the game?

SERGIO GARCIA: No. I mean, I love what I do, which is playing golf. I'm a competitor. I try to do it the best I can. Do I have to prove anything? No, of course not. Would I like to play better and better every day? Of course I would. Who wouldn't.

When it comes down to proving things, I don't think so. I think I've done well enough.

Q. What's your biggest motivation at this stage in your career?

SERGIO GARCIA: My family, the love for the game, and just challenging myself.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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