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June 13, 2024

Patrick Cantlay

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Patrick Cantlay, give us an overview of how your round went today. Obvious it went pretty well.

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, got off to a good start, bunker shot on 11. Played pretty solid most of the way. I thought the golf course played pretty difficult. But drove it well. A lot of balls on the fairway. Left the ball in the right spots, for the most part.

Q. With last week's result, was it a case of not being as far off as the score suggested or did you change something?

PATRICK CANTLAY: I've been working really hard on my game, and usually when you make just a couple changes and you're working really hard, it's just a matter of time.

Q. Pretournament Tiger suggested whatever number was posted up on round one, things would go steady or backwards from there. What is your take?

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, I mean, with the weather cooperating, it being warm, I imagine they can get the golf course as difficult as they want, with the Bermuda greens and no rain in the forecast, I expect the golf course to play very difficult in the next few days.

Q. What was the moment today when Pinehurst asked you a difficult question of you that you were able to find the right answer for?

PATRICK CANTLAY: I got the ball up and down on 7, made a bunch of putts inside, eight feet. I think around this golf course, you're going to leave yourself putts inside eight feet. That four- to eight-foot range. It important that you hole out. I did that well today.

Q. How good was that shot into 8 that you hit?

PATRICK CANTLAY: It was good. It was a little left of where I was aiming, but that's why you aim in the right spot.

Q. When you woke up this morning, did you think that 5-under would be good for the morning round?

PATRICK CANTLAY: I didn't think about much of it. I knew going off at 7:40 in the morning, it's going to play maybe the easiest it will play all week, with the lack of wind and probably the softest we will se it. I'm really happy with the round I played today.


PATRICK CANTLAY: Thanks, guys.

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