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June 13, 2024

Tony Finau

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Tony Finau, 2-under 68.

Tony, can you start off with some comments about how your round went today.

TONY FINAU: Yeah, I thought I played pretty solid all day, kept it in the fairway for most of the day. You can play from the fairway, so I was really happy with the way I drove it.

I think my score just kind of reflected how I drove the golf ball. I was able to hit greens and hit a couple putts.

Q. Was it as gnarly as expected from around the greens?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, I don't know exactly how many greens I missed. I didn't get up and down on No. 2 after a good shot. It's definitely getting there. It's not as firm yet as I think that it's going to be on the weekend.

There were definitely some dicey pins already today. As expected, there's going to be dicey pins all week.

Q. How has the course changed compared to Monday?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, slightly firmer. I wouldn't say it's crazy firmer, but it definitely is firmer and faster, so... I expect that to continue as the days go on.

Q. How much were you able to hit driver today?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, I hit driver quite a bit. I don't know exactly how many, but I didn't hit any 3-woods, I was either hitting a 3- or 4-iron or driver. I thought playing a little bit more aggressive on a day like today where it's a little bit more getable was a good game plan.

Q. What was the best shot today?

TONY FINAU: The best shot actually didn't end up in a good spot. Draw, 5-iron on No. 6, my 14th or 15th hole. It grazed the hole, ended up going over the green. I made par.

15, my ball grazed the left edge. I made par there. Those are definitely the two best shots I hit today.

Q. Do you think the width of the fairway is an asset for you?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, I'm driving it well. I drove the ball well today. Again, this is a golf course you have to hit the fairway, give yourself a chance. You're going to have a lot higher chance hitting it from the fairway than anywhere else.

I definitely was happy with the way I drove the golf ball. I allowed the golf course -- I could be patient hitting from the fairway. Hitting from the rough all day, I guess the bushes or the sand, it's going to be a short week. You're only going to be here for two days.

I was happy, again, just the way I drove the ball.

Q. What was the toughest pin?

TONY FINAU: There are quite a few. I mean, No. 1 and No. 2 right out of the gate. No. 1 is the toughest green on the course. Doesn't really matter where they put that. You can have great shots go right off the green.

No. 2 was pretty dicey. I hit a shot four or five paces right, pin-high. Obviously I knew that was going to happen, but...

Those are just a couple. There's plenty more I'm sure going to be throughout the week.

Q. Ludvig, his first U.S. Open round, I think he hit every fairway almost. Maybe not one, but... What did you think of him out there today?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, he's a strike show. That's the first time I ever played with him actually. Never played with him in a practice or tournament round.

We had a great time out there. I thought we both struck it really nicely. He's far from a rookie. I mean, he's not even your average first guy playing in a major championship. He's been on some of the biggest stages already and shown he's going to be a world-class player. It was a joy to watch.

Q. Does getting one in red figures at all change the approach going into the tomorrow or the rest of the weekend where you don't have to chase a number?

TONY FINAU: Getting off to a good start in any major championship is important. U.S. Open, if you can post a red number early, it's a golf tournament that, you said it right on the button, I don't feel like I have to do extra and chase guys down. I'm right in position after round one, which is key if you're trying to win a major.

Q. You haven't played in the 2014 U.S. Open here. Do you remember watching it?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, I remember watching it a little bit. I don't know if I watched a lot of it. I do remember it looking a lot more brown and yellow. I think they haven't let the golf course get to that yet. Who knows what they're going to do on the weekend.

As of right now, I think it's a little more green than it was in '14.

Thank you.

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