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June 13, 2024

Willie Mack

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Flash Interview

Q. Can you talk about this journey to get to this point and what it means to you to finally be here in a U.S. Open.

WILLIE MACK: Yes, it means a lot. It's a special week for me. I lost in the playoffs in sectionals a couple years ago.

Everything happens for a reason. I think this is my time to play well. Hopefully I can play well the next couple days.

Q. What was your excitement level when you stepped onto the tee for that first tee shot?

WILLIE MACK: I wasn't as nervous as I probably was before playing in some PGA TOUR events. Playing full season last year, I guess it got me ready for these type of situations.

It's still the U.S. Open, so you got to focus, put your head down and hit some great shots.

Q. 71 is good play in a round here. Maybe you weren't happy with the way it finished today. Talk about your round a little bit, how you played.

WILLIE MACK: Yeah, I was playing solid the whole round. I think I was 3-over my last four holes. Every bogey I made, I hit a good shot. I gave myself an opportunity for par on the last hole. Kind of broke a little bit more, but... As long as you're not making doubles, you can get birdies to offset those bogeys.

Q. Were there one or two shots today that you said, That was pretty good?

WILLIE MACK: Yeah, I think it was on 4 or 5, the long par 4 down the hill. I kind of hit it into the fairway, it rolled into the bunker. I had 235. I hit a 4-iron. I was telling my brother, it's probably the best 4-iron I've ever hit. It went over the green. I putted. Left it short probably about six or seven feet, but made that. I was telling my brother after that second shot, I deserve a par (laughter).

Q. How about a couple of the birdies that you made today, can you describe those?

WILLIE MACK: Yeah, on the back nine I played first, I made I think two 30-foot putts, one from off the green, one downhill. I hit it too hard, I think. I think it was going off the green. It snuck in on the side. I'm glad it did that.

Q. You shoot a 71, put something up on the board. Does that say to you you belong here?

WILLIE MACK: Yeah, like I said, I played in some big tournaments before. Not as big as this. I feel like if your preparation is good and you stick to your game plan, all you got to do is execute. I think it did pretty good with that today.

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