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June 13, 2024

Bryson DeChambeau

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Bryson, 3-under 67 in the first round. Pretty tough to go around here with one bogey.

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: That was my goal on 7 fairway. I was actually thinking about it, unfortunately. Usually when you start thinking about it, you make whatever you're thinking about happen.

Unfortunately didn't get it up and down from the backside, kind of made a mental error, just pushed it a little bit, didn't swing it my best.

But for the most part everything felt pretty solid. I was in a decent amount of control with my game. My putting felt solid. Really trying to control the speed.

Those greens, oh, my gosh, they can get away from you, especially on 9. I had that 40-footer straight down the hill. If you hit it two feet past the hole, that thing is back up the green chipping up 40 yards.

It's really diabolical out there. It was a testament to the patience I had, G-Bo helped provide me. I was very pleased to get it in that 3-under and hopefully some softer conditions can help tomorrow. We'll see where that leads.

But I'm certainly excited for the next few days.

Q. Where does this round rank in terms of the combined physical and mental exhaustion?

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: I would say from a mental exhaustion perspective, this was probably the most difficult that I've had in a long, long, long time. I can't remember the last time I mentally exerted myself that hard to focus on hitting fatter parts of the green instead of going for flags. I did that quite nicely until the last few holes.

I got to keep my hem energy up there. Eat a lot. Get a lot of carbs and food in me, good protein, just recover tonight. I got to get up early and go back at it in the morning. Recovery is going to be key. I'm going to go hit a couple balls, make sure it's all dialed in and ready for tomorrow.

Q. Do you do any kind of mental exercises when you go back to the house?

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: I do a lot of breathing techniques. It's almost like a nature now. I used to do it back in the day a long time ago. I still do it today. So I've got my techniques that I work on. Make sure my brain is in a good spot, get some good treatment, and really focus on the positives of the day.

Q. I wanted to ask you about 18. You seem to be making it a habit.

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: Chipping on 18, huh? Keep the streak going. I was very fortunate to get that one in the hole. I was trying to get it up there close and it happened to drop. Three feet out I was like, oh, that might be short. Luckily it trickled out and went in.

So I'll take that. In front of the gallery, it's always fun to excite them.

Q. What did you use?

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: A 60 degree surprisingly. I turned the face down. I toe it a little bit, I force it into the ground kind of like Jordan Spieth a bit, and bump it into the slope.

Q. Basically did you accomplish what you wanted to do from tee-to-green in terms of how you managed the course?

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: Yeah, yeah, definitely. I drove it fantastic. That's what I was focused on this week. If I could drive it well, make sure my irons are starting on my line, control my speed.

That putt on 6 today was crucial from 80 feet. I could have easily putted off the green as well as No. 9. Really making sure my speed control is good, starting lines are good. I did accomplish for the most part what I was trying to do today besides 7.

Q. Did you lose your yardage book?


Q. What was that like?

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: It was okay. My caddie has a backup. It's all good.

Definitely it's a bit of a comfort thing. It's not a superstitious thing, but losing it was -- That's the first time I've done that in a long time. I just left it in the car.

Usually I'm not going into a car before playing my round. Must have fallen out when I got out. Is what it is. Luckily I got it back thanks to the officers.

Q. All the secrets?

BRYSON DECHAMBEAU: Everything. All the secrets.

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