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June 13, 2024

Brooke Henderson

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Brooke Henderson after her first round the Meijer LPGA Classic. I think best round of the afternoon. What was playing so tricky out there later today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It was extremely windy. It was really tough to judge. I feel like the first few holes I didn't hit a fairway and was really getting up and down, made a lot clutch par saves which really kept the momentum and the round going.

Then making that eagle at 8, you know, got me under par, got me feeling a lot better, and I was able to make some birdies on the back.

So it was playing really tough today, so I feel like minus-5 in the afternoon wave was a bit of a bonus, so I'm happy and hopefully just carry it forward.

Q. We noticed a lot of the past champions and people who are successful on this course year in and year out, you're always successful. What is it about this course this suits the past champions and everybody who finds success here?

BROOKE HENDERSON: This event is amazing because it has such incredible energy. There is always great fans, great crowds. The atmosphere is just a little bit different. I feel like this course really suits my eye as well, which always really helps.

I figured out some holes where you can take advantage. Today I was able to make two eagles on the par-5s, and I feel like that really helped the score out a lot.

Q. Yeah. You mentioned you made a lot of good par saves. I know we talk about this event is always a birdiefest. How important, especially when it's tricky, is just like saving par out there?

BROOKE HENDERSON: For sure. Yeah, with how windy it was and how firm the greens were, being able to get up and down really saved my round a bunch on the front nine.

It was playing extremely tough. I was happy to kind of grind it out there when I needed to, and when the birdies were available or eagles were available I was able to capitalize, which was really nice.

Q. What's the sense of accomplishment of shooting a low one like that when the conditions were tough?

BROOKE HENDERSON: For sure. You feel like you kind of jumped ahead of a lot of people, which is a great feeling. With that being said, the morning wave, they must have had not as much wind because they were really going low.

It was kind of nice to play it even with them and maybe take advantage over the afternoon wave. So got a lot of work to do, but it's fun to shoot a low round and I'm excited for tomorrow and see what happens.

Q. Can you take us through the two eagles?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, was able to hit both greens in two, par-5s. The first one was maybe about 20 feet and was able to make it dead in the center, which was a great boost to the confidence to get it back under par.

And then on 18 Leona made it right in front of me. I wasn't really thinking make before she made it, but once she did I was like, Oh, yeah, okay, I can make eagle too. So got a good read on it from Brit and was able to drop it.

Q. What did you hit in there and how far was the putt?

BROOKE HENDERSON: 173 to the hole from the fairway. Hit 7-iron because it was downwind and firm. The putt was nine paces, so it was a good putt.

Q. The driver off the deck at 14, is that a shot that you've done forever?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, my dad is a big fan of the driver off the deck and he's my coach. Any time there is a possibility of hitting it I have a decent lie and feels like I can get it up close to the green or on the green, I'm going to try to hit it.

Really worked out well today.

Q. A lot of the leaders from today tee'd off earlier in the day. Just what are the challenges of teeing off in it the evening?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, the afternoon, it's a lot firmer, a lot faster. The greens, usually. With how windy it was, the wind really picked up in the afternoon, so it was definitely a much more challenging in the afternoon.

But I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning when I tee off early. Hopefully be a little bit softer and less wind so I can go out and be bit more aggressive.

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