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June 13, 2024

Lizette Salas

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Lizette, one of the lowest rounds so far of the day, also of the afternoon. Just what was working so well for you this first day?

LIZETTE SALAS: You know, kept it out of the rough off the tee. I think with conditions like this, you know, kind of equalizes the playing field a little bit. You don't have to bomb it. Just kind of get it in play and almost like a links style golf.

Been getting really confident with visualizing my shots off the tee, but most importantly just can the putter felt really good. We did some work on Tuesday and Wednesday, and kind of freed everything up.

The hole just got bigger and bigger as the day went on, and made some really good pars out there as well just to keep the momentum going.

And overall, just think we just made really good decisions out there.

Q. I know you just said it: You don't have to be a bomber to do well on this course if you're accurate, you're staying out of the rough. When you think about how advantageous that is for you to when it's all clicking.


Q. What does this put in perspective what this day of golf means to you, especially the work you've been putting in since you've come back since PV?

LIZETTE SALAS: Yeah, no, it's just been kind of a learning curve kind of relearning my game again and establishing a new game plan, a new style of golf that I've kind of incorporated the last couple weeks.

I think if I just keep doing the process that we've been talking about with my team and just kind of committing to that, I think my confidence is coming back.

Yeah, luckily there is no pictures out on the scorecard, and so if I just ding out my driver, you know, center of the fairway every day, give myself a good look with my hybrids, you know, I could get myself around this golf course and have a good weekend hopefully.

Q. Obviously five birdies on the card. Just when you talk about the importance of some of the par saves out there, which hole stands out to you the most?

LIZETTE SALAS: Probably 6, that dog leg right. Kind of got myself into some trouble greenside, and made a 30-footer for par.

Made also a good par on 2.

Just kind of places like that where it can kind of go either way, kept myself calm and present and just really had a good time out there.

Even though someone turned on the fan really hard today, but we had a lot fun.

Q. We heard a few Lizette Salas cheers out there when you finished up your round.


Q. When it's clicking like this, what is it reminiscent of? When have you felt this good about your process since before your injury?

LIZETTE SALAS: Yeah, just makes me grateful for the journey I've been on, even though it's been a rough one. You know, we're not 100% recovered yet, but just puts things into perspective.

I just have a whole new attitude. I'm happy off the golf course. I have a host family here I've been staying with for ten years. I'm just in a good place, and hopefully I can just keep making solid decisions and committing and we can have ourselves a good week.

Q. Ten years here in Grand Rapids.

LIZETTE SALAS: Double digits, I know. Crazy. And goes by in the blink of an eye. So whatever time I have left, just appreciate the fans and Meijer for what this tournament has grown into. The community just loves this event.

I'm just happy to be back.

Q. You said the same host family from when you first started this event ten years ago?

LIZETTE SALAS: Yeah, all those -- all the grandkids are now taller than me. It's amazing. We all get together, at least try, once a week. It's like a party of 30, which reminds me of my family. Big Irish family.

Just amazing. They take care of me and it's like a home away from home.

Q. How did you find them?

LIZETTE SALAS: Just random. Yeah, applied for housing the first year out here and, yeah, we just clicked.

I call my housing mom my second mom. And her kids are amazing. Just having the support and not feeling lonely this week, just feels great.

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