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June 13, 2024

Jrue Holiday

Boston Celtics

Practice Day

Q. Which stat is better, the 26 assists or zero turnovers in three games by yourself?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I would say the turnovers. To have no turnovers is always a good thing. That means that we're getting some good possessions and not giving the other team the ball.

Q. You say all the time you do whatever it takes as a team. But what makes you happier than ever playing with this team?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I think it's seeing the success of the team. I think you see how we celebrate each other. Somebody gets a big dunk or a big three, when somebody gets a big stop, that really brings energy not only to me but I feel like to everybody.

Q. The unselfishness, how is that cultivated, and is that rare?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I don't know if it's rare, but there's always the enjoyment of seeing your partners or your friends succeed and do well. I feel like that's why we're at this point now.

Day before Game 4, up 3-0, I feel like we celebrate each other. Even through the downs, we do our best to pick each other up. I think we've done that as a team and will continue to do it.

Q. 10-0 in the postseason when you hold your opponent under 100, 3-0 here in the Finals. What does that say about your team?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Yeah, that we lock in the best we can, that we do the best to really go out there and execute the game plan and try to get stops. That really gives us the best chance to win games.

Q. What do you remember about that close-out opportunity you had with Milwaukee a few years ago?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Nerves, for sure. You feel like the close-out game is the hardest game to win. You really just want to go out there and do your best, if it's make the right plays, if it's knock down shots, execute the game plan.

You feel like of everything in the season, this is the game you've got to do it. I feel like we'll have that same kind of mentality to where we try to come out relaxed, not too excited, but execute the best we can.

Q. In what way does that opportunity in the Finals feel different than any other round, if at all?

JRUE HOLIDAY: It's the final game of the season.

Q. What influence has Lauren had in terms of mindset of winning? She's won two golds, won a World Cup. Do you ask her about situations like this?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I don't ask her, but we've had conversations. Just watching games or even while I watched her play soccer. I would ask her certain things about how she felt, why she played the way she played or whatever it was.

I think for the most part, having just an understanding and having a partner that helps me kind of get calm in situations that can help me be in position to win on the court.

Q. If you ask your colleagues who would be the MVP, I think the thing about Boston, anyone can say it could be Jrue, could be Tatum, it could be Jaylen. Is it good that anybody can say, this one?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Yeah, I think the biggest thing is I don't think any of us care about it. I think we all really want to win that Larry O'Brien Trophy. Whatever accolades come with that come with it, but I think the big picture is what everybody is focused on.

Q. When some guys get traded, sometimes they have a chip on their shoulder. Did that enter your mind this season?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Not even a little bit. I got two brothers in the league, so if I'm really going to be chippy or something, why wouldn't I be chippy with them? Everybody in Milwaukee, I have love for them. I love them because of what we've been through and what we accomplished as a team. We became very, very close.

But no, I know that this is a business, and they feel like they did what was best for their organization.

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