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June 13, 2024

Alison Lee

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Alison Lee, clubhouse leader right now at the Meijer LPGA Classic. Really good 7-under 65. Take us through some of the highlights of your round today?

ALISON LEE: I feel like my biggest strength today was definitely my putter. Last week we had some time off at home and I honestly didn't feel too great about how I was hitting it. My swing didn't feel quite right. I did feel a bit lost.

Coming into this week I didn't feel quite like myself when it came to my swing. Wasn't hitting it the way I wanted to.

So I mean, today it was definitely really nice to shoot a low one today. Definitely giving a lot of credit to my putter. Even I made a lot of really, really good par saves, and a lot of good birdies. Yeah, definitely overall really happy and pleasantly surprised about my round today.

Hopefully I can keep this momentum going. I feel like I've kind of cooled off over the last month or two. Like I said, haven't felt quite right about my swing and felt like I found something at the end of last week and found a little something today.

Yeah, really, really happen with my round. In the past the scores this week are always pretty low, so I did my best to play aggressive golf today. It was pretty windy today, too. When we were out there.

Tried to stay patient and, yeah, really happy with a 65.

Q. Can you maybe elaborate more on what wasn't feeling right in your swing? Do you know or it's just like you can't pinpoint it?

ALISON LEE: Yeah, I just felt like I -- I didn't feel confident. I just feel like -- I don't want to go into details or specifics or technical stuff with my swing, but it definitely -- I wasn't swing the way I was a couple months ago.

I saw a few swing videos at home; played golf with some friends; just felt a bit off. So I think I spent like Friday, Saturday, Sunday after I kind of found what I needed to work on. I hit range balls for like more than two hours every day and just hit a ton of range balls to get the swing feeling right.

And it still feels a bit off, even out there on the course today, but I hit a lot of really good shots. They were going straight. So that's all I can ask for, uh-huh.

Q. Looking at your play and all the great results and figure your confidence is always sky high. Talk about the role of confidence and when you find something at home and come back out here, how much that can motivate you and push you?

ALISON LEE: Yeah, definitely. I mean, confidence is a huge factor. There can be some days I don't feel quite confident. You just have to work with what you got. That's how I felt today. As the round went on I would say the last four, five holes definitely felt a lot better with my swing.

Sometimes if you have -- for me anyway, with the swing move I wanted to do doesn't feel quite right. Definitely difficult to make a confident swing when you feel like it's a bit off and doesn't feel right. You just have to kind of trust it.

So that's -- I just did the best I could today to just trust it. I know in the past when I've come here I wasn't putting great but made a few really good putts at the beginning of the round. Like I made a really good birdie putt on my first hole, 10, made a good par putt on 11.

Then same with 12. Made a good putt. So, yeah, I think seeing a few of those go in early in it the round definitely helped with the rest of the round. Especially with my putt be. I putted so good today. On one hole I made like a 10-, 12-footer for par and I just kissed my putter. I was like, this is working so good today.

So, yeah, hopefully I can keep it going. Definitely in the afternoon sometimes it can get a little tough to read putts, especially in the wind today. You just got to trust it. Yeah, even though you don't feel confident you have to push through it. I feel like I did that really well today.

Q. Where was it you par save that you that had your putter?

ALISON LEE: It was right here, hole 2. I made like a long par putt, so...

Q. And then can you take us through the eagle at 8, what you hit in what you had for a putt?

ALISON LEE: Yeah, I hit a driver off the tee. A really good drive. 8-iron for my second shot. I knew I had to land something short of the green because it was pretty strong downwind.

Yeah, like I said, it was one of those things you have swings where I knew I just had to swing confidently. On hole 18, I played that first, played the back side first, I had like I think a short club in -- not a short club, but a short club for a par-5 in. I kind of pulled it left into the bunker.

Obviously with hole 8, there is a bunker on the left and right. So I just tried to do the best I can to trust my swing and do the move that I wanted to do and swing smooth. I was able to hit it straight. Hit it to inside probably around 15 feet or inside; I hit a really good putt.

So, yeah, I mean, really happy with my putting. I think I had 24 putts today or something like that.

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