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June 13, 2024

Carlota Ciganda

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Carlota Ciganda after her first round to the Meijer LPGA Classic Give. As I was just saying, you seem to play really well here every year. What is it that you like about this course?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I always enjoy coming here to Grand Rapids. I have had a great housing every year I've been here and just feels always very comfortable, relaxing.

Reminds me a lot of home, Spain, where I grew up and where I live. So it's just always very comfortable stop for me on tour. I love the course. I think it's a fun course with five par-5s and you can go low.

So it's always nice to have this week.

Q. What else about the course this week specifically has suited your game? We've heard the greens are rolling really well. What looks good this year?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, some of the tee shots suit my eye really well. Left to right shot I can hit my fades that I'm comfortable.

The par-5s, two of them, they are almost par-4s. I hit driver, little 9-iron on 18, and then a driver, 6-iron on 8. I didn't birdie, but feel like it's almost like a par-70.

Yeah, I just enjoy playing here. I like the grass. I like everything.

Q. Funny, there is a lot of the same players play well here. Is that kind of strange?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I think there are some courses they suit your eye better than others. For me, this is one of them. I'm sure the players that they've done well here, they think the same.

Yeah, just have a good feeling when I come here. I feel relaxed. Comfortable, and I think it's important to be happy and comfortable outside the golf course. So as I said, we have a great housing that we really enjoy and it's always U.S. Open week so then we go back to the house, watch the U.S. Open and it's just fun.

Q. What did you feel you did best today?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Today I hit 16 greens and the other two I missed, they were pretty much in the fringe. I think my ball striking was really good. Made some good putts as well.

But I think tee to green was the best.

Q. Can you tell us a little bit about your host family? How long have you known them and who are they?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I mean, they play golf. It's funny, because we were going to stay with someone else but at the end it didn't work out, and then one of the -- so the lady in the locker room, I think her best friend, she offered me and Giulia Molinari when she played on tour we could stay there. So I think my first year was 2016. Yeah, we been staying with them since.

They are like family to me now. They are really nice. They come and watch me play. They also come to Florida at the end the year. They love golf and they understand what a pro needs and what we do every week.

So it's just, yeah, very nice. I love staying with them.

Q. The wind seemed like it was picking up put there today.

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I mean, the wind was very gusty today. Especially when you go down there on 12, 13, 14. It gets very tricky.

I think you just have to trust what the weather is saying and we just played southwest pretty much all day. Yeah, it gets tricky so you have to be aware of it.

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