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June 13, 2024

Jennifer Kupcho

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes


Q. Here with Jennifer Kupcho after her first round at the time Meijer LPGA Classic Give. We've been noticing a trend: If you play well here once, you play well here forever. Why do you think that is about this course that all the players who are successful here come back and play really well?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I really think it's just a comfort, being able to go out here low once, then kind of turns around and makes all the holes look like they're birdieable.

So I think that's like a big thing. Just like all of us that play well, usually are just really comfortable. I'm really comfortable with the area. I have a great host family. Just a great week.

Q. What is it about this course that suits your game do you think?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I think the length really helps. It's quite a bit of an advantage to be able to go over a couple bunkers, as well as get to all the par-5s.

That definitely helps.

Q. Can you tell us a little bit about your host family and how you met them and how enjoyable it is to have them here?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah. My first year my parents were out here so we stayed in a hotel. Being friends with Kristen Gillman I went to her host family, and my current host family are neighbors with them, so they set me up. Yeah, they've been great. They have two twin boys, ten years old.

I'm kind of an idol to them, so it's really fun to go back every year. I'm just waiting for the year I go back and I'm no longer cool. But, yeah, it's great. The parents are great.

It's really just a family.

Q. Can you take us through some of the highlights of your round today?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah. I mean, I started out really good birdieing the first hole. Was able to go for it and really just the first five holes it was not windy at all.

So being able to get off to a hot start and then turning it around on the back nine, just holding it together in the wind, I made a lot of pars on the back nine. Then finished with a birdie -- or birdied No. 8.

So to get a good one coming in.

Q. Yeah, lots of birdies on the front.


Q. Were you affected by the rain at all? I don't know if you had started your round or not.

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I had not started. I was still warming up.

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