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June 13, 2024

Lilia Vu

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Lilia, first competitive round down. How are you feeling after the first day here at Meijer?

LILIA VU: Relieved. I think that's the best way to put it. I had a shaky start but played with my good friend Alison. It was fun. She played really well, so kept me in check.

Q. When you see someone else going off like that from the jump, how do you kind of match that and your game?

LILIA VU: I think also, you know, like you play with really good players you tend to play really well too. It's just that kind of shared energy.

I was super excited with this pairing anyway, so coming into it with a good mindset.

Q. Any nerves on the first tee getting that swing back?

LILIA VU: Definitely. I think I didn't trust myself or my body as much. Then I think by the end of the first hole I was like, okay, I'm just going to have to trust it. It might work out; kind of did work.

Q. When did you feel it all start to click again for you?

LILIA VU: I think -- well, it was kind of shaky off the tee, but I think more towards like the middle of the front nine. The first couple holes were kind of shaky and then the wind comes up and kind of just get used to it; then you don't hear or feel it anymore and you're like, okay, let's just go.

Q. You talked about when you're playing or even just standing and talking to me how you have to be a little bit more cognizant. Not a bad thing.


Q. Just more cognizant. Did you recognize that with the competitive round under your belt?

LILIA VU: I think so. I think I was definitely not as good as I was yesterday with my body compensations, like the way I walk. I could kind of feel to come pen say thing it a little bit. I was trying to counteract it. It's okay. I get to see my physio after this.

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