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June 13, 2024

Atthaya Thitikul

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: (In progress.) I do like this course a lot. I mean, it's kind of like a lot of hole that reachable par-5 which is I like to play like lots of reachable par-5 as you can see on my scorecard.

So I think it's a good course. Like the greens so smooth and then, you know, it's in a good shape.

Q. You've just had really a couple solid finishes in a row. I think top 10 finishes. What is the best part of your game that's helping with that right now?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: My coach is here starting from U.S. Open. We worked a lot on kind of get the ball in like the ball striking to be really, you know, in a good shape to play out there.

So I think pretty it's all good now. I feel comfortable when he's here, so I think I hit it pretty good. Just didn't make that much putt I could make out there. Last week as well.

But this week it's kind of good. I mean, like starting from today, could be better, but I'll take it for just like 4-under for the opening round.

Q. I think you birdied four of the five par-5s. Are you reaching all these greens in two?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Not really. 10 I'm not reaching. It's into the wind.

No, 4, is that 4 or 5? 4 can't reach it. I don't think anyone with reach 4.

Then other than that, it's kind of reachable. Like 18, No. 8 reachable. Other than that, it's good.

I think the biggest part of this course to make a score it's par-5 as well.

Q. So that's the focus going out? Burning four of them you kind of have to take care of those?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yes. I mean, yes. I mean, like the green for the par-5 is not that tough this week, so I think if you can make it all par-5 your score should be like on the top of the leaderboard as well.

Q. Working with your coach, what's the biggest part of your game you would like to see a little bit of improvement?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I think we just working with kind of swing a little bit; not changing the swing but just like when he's here I think he just like monitor it to be right on the track.

So I think the ball striking been pretty good after he monitor it and after he here. He just came here in U.S. Open, so I think I starting hit it pretty good since then. (Smiling.)

Q. Who is your coach?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Thai National Team coach. His name is Chris.

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