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June 12, 2024

Jrue Holiday

Boston Celtics

Game 3: Postgame

Boston Celtics 106, Dallas Mavericks 99

Q. How would you describe that one and how good was it to pull off?

JRUE HOLIDAY: It was a great win. You saw how Dallas fought back and I feel like we knew that they would always fight. But I think toward the end of the game you saw our best players in JT and JB just take over the game, make big plays, get big stops and we got the win.

Q. How were you guys able to maintain your composure?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I feel like we have been doing it all year. We’ve been battle tested. We’ve been in situations like this before, up 20, down 15 or whatever it is. Really just stayed together and stayed composed.

Q. One win away from an NBA championship. What’s your mindset like and what is the team mindset like?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Can’t get too high. There is still one more left. We’ve seen crazier things happen. Just get the win. Whatever it takes, however long it takes.

Q. What was the feeling like playing without Kristaps tonight?

JRUE HOLIDAY: We feel for him. We know that he wants to be out there fighting with us and we want him out there with us. But we’ve always had the next-man-up mentality and to go out there and win it for him and win it for our team.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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