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June 12, 2024

Al Horford

Boston Celtics

Game 3: Postgame

Boston Celtics 106, Dallas Mavericks 99

Q. How good did it feel to pull out that one?

AL HORFORD: It felt great. It felt like we played really good basketball. Our defense was really good. Obviously, to withstand that run there in the fourth, that was huge. I felt like we stayed with it. We took their hit and we were able to find a way.

Q. What was the conversation like when they were making that run and then when you withstood it?

AL HORFORD: Yeah, we needed to stay poised. We feel like we have been in these positions before and we’ve learned in the past from it, and I feel like we handled it well. D-White made a big three there late. JB and JT made some big plays, and Jrue defensively was all over the place. We just find a way to get it done.

Q. What was your reaction when Luka fouled out?

AL HORFORD: Just continuing to play. Understanding that Kyrie was going to be more aggressive and we had to do a good job guarding him.

Q. How clutch is Derrick?

AL HORFORD: Derrick is special. Derrick is such a special player. He’s a winner. He wants to be in these positions and these moments. It’s just unbelievable how he continues to find way to impact the game. Offense, defense, whatever it is, he’s doing something to impact winning.

Q. What was it like not having Porzingis out there?

AL HORFORD: Obviously, I was probably going to play some more. Then we needed somebody from the bench to come in and give us minutes, and Xavier was amazing tonight. His energy, defensively he held his own, time and time again. He was just ready for the moment.

It’s not easy being in that position. He came in and he knocks down that big three as well. But defensively he was special. I’m just proud of him because he didn’t get an opportunity the first two games, obviously, and he has stayed with it, really took advantage of it.

These are the type of games people remember forever, the type of impact he had.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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