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June 12, 2024

Dereck Lively II

Dallas Mavericks

Game 3: Postgame

Boston Celtics 106, Dallas Mavericks 99

Q. Dereck, with Boston all series the way they can score at the rim, space you out, corner threes, what do you do down 3-0 to keep trying to adjust, try to take something away?

DERECK LIVELY II: We just got to make history. We got to go out there and we just got to play like our lives on the line. We got to make sure we're not giving up corner threes. The game plan is allowing them to get to the rim, allow them to take pull-up twos.

So we're going to keep learning to do that, but we got to be able to rotate well, talk, communicate, know where the pass is going to go, know where we need to be.

Q. You said you got to play like your lives are on the line. 156 teams have been down 3-0; no one's made it back yet. What was the mood in the locker room when you got back?

DERECK LIVELY II: We all know what it takes. We all know we got to put everything in our minds, our body and our soul into this game. We're watching film, we're talking to one another, we're trying to figure out what we need to do.

They're a great team, so you got to give them that. They know how to score. They've been doing this for a long time. We just got to be able to step up, learn and be able to adapt.

Q. Coming into this game, the adjustments that you were trying to make, do you feel you did a good job executing them?

DERECK LIVELY II: It really comes down to us just taking our foot off the gas. There were times in the game we allowed them to be comfortable, allowed them to walk into threes. That's what they're going to do. They're going to make the shots that they get, we're going to give them.

We just can't take our foot off the gas. There were times in I'd say the third quarter and end of the second that we just allowed them to go on runs. We allowed them to be comfortable. We can't allow that to happen.

We have to be up in their grill the entire game, and not let our foot off the gas.

Q. When Luka fouls out, what is the mindset with the team? Maybe a sense of urgency to just step up and try to win the game?

DERECK LIVELY II: Next-man-up mentality. No matter if I foul out, Luka or Ky. It's the next-man-up mentality. No matter who is on the floor, what's going on in the game, we're all putting our heart and soul into trying to win.

I feel like we did an amazing job throughout the whole game. Even when we slipped up, we were staying together, staying positive, doing whatever we could to try to win.

We just got to be able to take care of the little things. The little details is what is going to cost us the game.

Q. When he did get his sixth foul, then there was the coach's challenge, so rare for him to foul out, what were you thinking during the challenge?

DERECK LIVELY II: I didn't think it was a foul. I don't think any of us did. Just you can't take back what the refs call. You can't take back that moment.

So seeing him foul out, he putting his trust in us, his teammates, as I would do if I fouled out. Just because he fouls out doesn't mean we're all going to look down and be boo-hoo, we lost. We're going to keep our foot on the gas.

We were trying to do whatever we could to try to stay in the game and win. We come up short, but we're going to learn from our mistakes.

Q. When you found out that Porzingis wasn't going to play, was the mindset going into the game?

DERECK LIVELY II: Us as bigs, we were trying to make more of an impact than we have the past two games. Trying to duck in, be all over the glass, no matter if it's defensive or offensive, try to go on a run. They were trying to pass off Porzingis' man a lot. Even with that, we were trying to put Al Horford in it, any other elephants, and try to get the mismatches, get the space and get the shots that we like.

Q. Obviously we know Kyrie had a pretty rough go for it just the first two games. What did you see from him tonight trying to lead your team, especially when Luka was out?

DERECK LIVELY II: He came out, he was the head of the snake. I feel like he was leading us, making sure we had energy, making sure we were talking to each other, staying positive and then setting each other up. He was talking to us, saying what he needs from us, what we need from him.

He's been a great leader. He had a great game today. I know he's going to have another one on Friday.

Q. What did you see of Xavier Tillman tonight after he wasn't a factor in this series?

DERECK LIVELY II: He's a great defender. He's been in the league for a while. He understands the game. He understands the schemes, what they're trying to do, what we're trying to do.

There were a couple times he got on the ball, he was moving his puppies. Got to tip your hat to that. Just because that happens -- just because you're adding a new person in doesn't mean anything.

We were just trying to do what we do. Get out in pace, pass the ball, throw it ahead, get ahead, get to the rim. If not, get corner threes and move the ball around.

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