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June 9, 2024

Al Horford

Boston Celtics

Game 2: Postgame

Boston Celtics 105, Dallas Mavericks 98

Q. Thoughts on getting the job done here at home in Game 2?

AL HORFORD: Very, very proud of our group. We understood that we had to protect home court. We knew they were going to come out and be more aggressive. We were able to withstand their runs and protect home.

Q. You guys have been very good when it comes to gathering yourself when you need to. They went on a 9-0 run late and then you made two threes to finish them off. Is it just experience and the group knowing each other?

AL HORFORD: Yeah, I feel like we are just very connected as a group. We’re just out there trying to play hard and compete and make plays. It’s just unbelievable, the will of these guys in this locker room.

Q. It seemed like especially in the first half, when some other guys were having trouble making shots, that Jrue really stepped up and continued that through the whole game.

AL HORFORD: Yeah, he was unbelievable. His effort defensively and everything he brings on that end. And then on offense, making reads, making the game easy, making the right decisions. He’s so poised and you can tell that he has been in these types of moments. Just very composed and just out there getting the job done.

Q. What do you think of Jayson’s game tonight?

AL HORFORD: I thought Jayson was unbelievable. Just navigating everything, getting everybody involved, taking shots when he needed to, defensively being solid, rebounding the ball well. JT just doing it all. We’re asking a lot from him and he continues to step up and answer the call for us.

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