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June 9, 2024

Kristaps Porzingis

Boston Celtics

Game 2: Postgame

Boston Celtics 105, Dallas Mavericks 98

Q. How great of a team win was that for you guys?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: Awesome, awesome, awesome. Very important obviously. To go to Dallas now 2-0. It’s going to be some tough games on the road, but it’s good we took care of business tonight and go to Dallas up 2-0.

Q. How are you feeling right now and what is your prognosis going forward?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: I feel good. Feeling good. Yeah, I don’t think it’s anything serious. But we will look at it tomorrow and go from there, but all good. I’ll be good.

Q. How are feeling in general getting back into the swing of things?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: Today I felt better. A little better conditioning. Like I said before, even though I had a really good comeback game, it’s tough to jump into the rhythm like that and have the conditioning and have the rhythm and have all of those things. But I think I did a decent job tonight again and helped the team win and that’s it. We move forward.

Q. How difficult was it to keep playing through it?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: Not difficult at all. I’ll die out there if we need. So just kept going. Was a little bit limited, so the smart thing was to get Al back in there and close out the game.

Q. What has worked for you guys to shut them down the way you have the first couple games of the series? They are a really high-powered offensive teams and they’ve been under 100 points in both games.

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: I think I have to give a shout-out to our best defensive guys like Jrue Holiday, D-White. JB has been tremendous on both ends of the floor. All three of those guys played incredible today. We just have so many weapons that it’s tough. But defensively, I’d say, those guys and Al take us to a different level.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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