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June 11, 2024

P.J. Washington Jr.

Dallas Mavericks

Practice Day

Q. You guys seem pretty loose. How is the overall team vibe?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: I think it's good. I think everybody is excited to be home, obviously have a chance to protect home court. That's our main focus right now. Everybody is excited to be home.

Q. You've struggled to get the ball in from three. What's the balance of needing to do that but you don't really want to force it?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: I think it's just taking good shots, taking open ones. Obviously, we haven't been making shots. We feel pretty good coming home. It's all about just making open ones, taking open ones. We feel good about taking them, so I think guys are in good spirits.

Q. What's the mindset right now? I know you're in a bit of a deficit.

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: We know it's must-win games for us. Obviously, we have to protect home court to give ourselves a chance. That's our main focus right now, is Game 3 and just trying to come out with a win. I think everybody is obviously super excited to be home.

Q. What have you guys done well here?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: Defense. I think that's our biggest thing. Just trying to get out in transition, let our defense dictate our offense. Obviously, we've got to hit open shots.

Q. How is Luka physically for Game 3?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: He's great. He'll be ready to go, just like the rest of us.

Q. Talking about Kyrie, you guys know him real well. What do you expect from him here at home?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: I expect Kyrie to be himself. He's going to bounce back. He's going to play good. He's going to show up like we need him to show up, and we'll just go from there. I think obviously he didn't have the games he wanted to have, but he's a great player and he's going to bounce back.

Q. You've been asked to do a number of good things, make new plays, handle the ball more. What's it been like to grow on this stage?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: It's been great. I always feel like I can do those things. Just to come out here and showcase that, I'm excited. I want to get a win doing it. I think that's the biggest thing mentally. That's all we have to prepare for.

Q. What's been your impression so far of Luka in this series?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: That's who he is. He does that each and every night. He did it the whole Playoffs, so I expect nothing less. He's a great player, and he shows up pretty much every game. That's what you need from players like that. Obviously, we need him, and he'll show up each and every time.

Q. I know you've been asked about it, but the journey since Charlotte coming home and now you're in the Finals getting to play a home game here in your backyard, the thoughts about this last five months?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: It's been exciting. Obviously, it's been a roller coaster for me and super excited to be back home playing for a championship. It's just a blessing, and I can't wait for the opportunity to come out here.

Q. Your father has been courtside and your wife has been around. What's it like to have them along for the ride and have them so close?

P.J. WASHINGTON JR.: I think it's great. You need a support system going through this time of the year. It's not an easy job, and you always want your loved ones around supporting you. It feels great having them at every game and just being there for me.

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