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June 11, 2024

Derrick Jones Jr.

Dallas Mavericks

Practice Day

Q. How are you feeling? Do you have time to reflect on yourselves being in the Finals?

DERRICK JONES JR.: Not yet. I'm happy I'm here, but I want to win. That's the main goal of being here, and that's the reason we got here is to win. We're not happy with what we've got right now. We want to fight until we get what we want.

Q. Do you have a key for tomorrow? For you, what's the key to succeed?

DERRICK JONES JR.: I'm playing as hard as I can, just leaving everything out there, putting my body on the line for my team. That's my key, and that's what I've got to do.

Q. What's the pace you feel like you want in this series?

DERRICK JONES JR.: I mean, whatever is getting us points at the time. At times you can push the pace, at moments in the game, but you also have to play slow. There isn't one, per se, pace that we want to play with. You have to read the game and see what the other team is giving you, so you can't just be trying to run a mile a minute. You're going to run into somebody and get a turnover, and that's what we're not trying to do. We're trying to take care of the ball and make sure we cherish every possession that we have.

Q. What's the biggest difference between Boston and some of the other teams you've faced in the postseason?

DERRICK JONES JR.: None of the same players. We played the other guys five, six times already, so we already keyed in on them. We only played Boston twice. They did what they were supposed to do -- protect their home -- and now it's our job.

Q. Boston switches all the time in the perimeter. Is it more difficult than other teams in the NBA?

DERRICK JONES JR.: No, I guess they've perfected what they do. They switch and help in the gaps a lot. That's just their defense. Everybody has their own defense. We have our own, and I like our defense, as well.

Q. Do you feel like there needs to be an adjustment in the way you're guarding Jayson? Or are you satisfied with the job you've done?

DERRICK JONES JR.: We're doing that to everybody, making everybody be a passer, putting bodies in front of everybody, making sure that they see another defender there. We're not trying to have anybody just have a straight-line drive to the rim or getting open shots. Putting bodies in front of everybody, not just Jayson.

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