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June 11, 2024

Kristaps Porzingis

Boston Celtics

Practice Day

Q. In layman's terms, what happened and how does that affect your availability for Game 3?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: What happened? I mean, the tweet that we put out was pretty explanatory. It's kind of a random situation. I felt something, and now I have to deal with it.

As we said, yeah, it's going to be day-to-day, and I'll see how I am tomorrow, and obviously I'm going to do everything I can to be out there tomorrow, and we'll see.

Q. Are you optimistic?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: I am, of course. I have to be. I'm optimistic, and as I said, I will do everything I can to be out there tomorrow. Yeah, we'll see.

Q. What would you have to endure when it comes to that? Is it just a pain threshold? Could you do for damage to it if you play more in these Finals?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: I don't know. I don't know the specifics. But that's something I'll leave in the medical staff's hands to determine whether I can go or no. But from my side, as I said, nothing is going to stop me unless I'm told I'm not allowed to play. That's the only reason I would not be out there.

Q. How much of this is just kind of another thing for you, unfortunately. You had that injury several weeks ago and now this. Are these stacking up on your mindset?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: No, no, I don't care. I've been through some stuff in my career, and obviously this is a rough patch coming back and having something happen right away again. It's tough. It's very -- just a tough moment right now.

But I'm feeling pretty good. I'm feeling pretty good. Mind is good. We'll see tomorrow.

Q. The press release said this is unrelated to what happened in Miami. Is it anything you've done before this injury?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: No. I don't know. To be honest, I don't know. It was kind of a random situation. It wasn't like I was limping or something I did before this. I was good, and then this happened. I don't think it's anything related, and I don't know, either. The medical staff would know better.

It is what it is.

Q. You said you would die out there to play. Does that still apply?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: Yeah, I'm living by those words. Of course.

Q. You literally will die on the court?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: I mean, I hope not, but if it comes to that to win, yes.

Q. Have you been able to nail down when it happened?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: Yeah, I was going for a rebound at the free throw line. Just kind of pushed in Lively's back and we bumped knees and something happened. I just kept playing for a while after that. Obviously towards the end my movement was affected a bit. Joe took me out.

Q. It's kind of strange how it's worked out, you haven't actually played in a game in this arena. Have you given any thought to how the fans will react?

KRISTAPS PORZINGIS: Some black magic, no? No, I'm joking. No, the first time I came back, I was not playing that game, I was with Washington, and I had a warm welcome here. They even did a tribute video, which was very unexpected for me, but that was very nice. I think the organization, the people on the inside appreciated my time here, and that was very nice. Obviously, I have completely no bad feeling about this place. I love this city, love the fans, and it just didn't work out. I definitely don't expect a comeback like I had in New York. But we'll see tomorrow.

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