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June 11, 2024

Al Horford

Boston Celtics

Practice Day

Q. What is your reaction to the Kristaps news?

AL HORFORD: I just know he’s going to do everything he can to get on the floor. Hoping for the best.

Q. How does that change your approach?

AL HORFORD: Let’s see. We’ll see how everything goes. Just have to wait and see if he is going to play or not. I feel like we have plenty of guys who should be able to come in and help contribute. We just have to wait.

Q. What are his spirits like?

AL HORFORD: He feels pretty good. From what I’ve seen, he seems pretty optimistic. For him, we’re just wishing that he is going to do everything he can to get himself going. Anything that he can give us, we’ll appreciate it.

Q. You’re halfway there. How much is that a testament to staying poised and focusing on what got you to this point?

AL HORFORD: For us, it’s just continuing to do what we’ve been doing all year. Being consistent on the defensive end. On offense, playing the way we want to play. Just being consistent. Our team has been this all season. Now we have a great opportunity in Game 3 to come in here. We understand it’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be a tough game.

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