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June 11, 2024

Maxi Kleber

Dallas Mavericks

Practice Day

Q. How are you handling your emotions in the Finals?

Maxi Kleber: Like any other time, you have to make sure you stay composed. It’s a long series and you want to make sure you play the right way and play your game and don’t get affected by outside noise.

Q. What do you think are the biggest adjustments you need to make for tomorrow?

MAXI KLEBER: I think it’s not about any individual person. I think it’s overall on the offensive side, creating the space so Kyrie and Luka have it a little easier to create shots for themselves and for us. So we just have to make sure we have the right spacing and putting guys in position to succeed.

Q. If Kyrie plays good, Dallas plays good?

MAXI KLEBER: Yeah, but even if not, Ky makes great decisions for us. Even if he has an off shooting night or whatever, it doesn’t mean that he played bad for us. We know he has a high IQ, but we can give him a little more space to get some easy ones to create a rhythm.

Q. Do you think that the three-point shooting is a problem in this series?

MAXI KLEBER: It’s the Finals and you try to take away a lot of things. You contest every shot and make it harder on both sides for both teams. If we have the right spacing and involve the right guys, we can get the shots that we want.

Q. How special will it be to play a Finals game at home tomorrow?

MAXI KLEBER: We have to take the energy from all the fans and bring it to the court. Come out with the right attitude and get the win. If you’re at home, you have to take advantage of it, just like Boston did.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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