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June 8, 2024

Sam Hauser

Boston Celtics

Practice Day

Q. Does it feel good when Jrue says the team trusts you defensively, that white guys can defend (laughter)?

SAM HAUSER: Yeah, for sure. He's probably our best defender, so hearing that is pretty empowering. Really all you're trying to do is make it as hard as you can on a guy like [Luka]. He's so good. He's going to make some tough shots even if you do play really good defense. You have to know it’s going to happen and just have to have a next-play mentality in terms of that.

We were really connected last game, and we have to continue to be that way.

Q. We talked a couple days ago, you weren’t sure if you were going to get into these games, the Finals. What was it like going out there? What were you thinking?

SAM HAUSER: Just try to help the team win in any possible way and bring energy. I thought I did a pretty good job of that. You know, just got to continue to do that, and that's probably going to be my role throughout the series.

Q. A couple plays, one in particular, where you caught the ball above your head, pretty much flicked it and got it to go. Have you ever shot the ball like that before? What prepared you to shoot a shot like that where you don't bring the ball down at all?

SAM HAUSER: I work on it every day in practice. You don't really get an opportunity to shoot them in the game very often. I think I maybe had one or two throughout this season. But that one just happened to be the NBA Finals and people are making a big deal out of it.

I don't know, I mean, I put the work in, and sometimes you get to showcase it like that.

Q. When you think about your hometown and family that's helped you get to this level, what does that mean to you?

SAM HAUSER: I had a great community growing up that supported me and helped me, you know, get to this point for sure and had influence on my path growing up. It's pretty cool to have those people still reaching out, like schoolteachers, coaches. Obviously, my family and friends always have kept tabs, but it's pretty cool to have those people reaching out.

Q. What advice would you give young student-athletes that are chasing goals like this?

SAM HAUSER: You've just got to be disciplined. My mom always says, just treat others with respect, and you're bound to receive that from them as well. Just treat everyone the same and put your work in. Don't worry about what other people say.

Q. If you're describing Joe, how would you say he's different than coaches you've played for before this point in your career?

SAM HAUSER: I would just say he's like got a unique approach to the game. He pulls things from, like, soccer teams, pulls things from killer whales and how they go about finding food and prey, things like that, and he ties it into the game of basketball. And I think it's a unique way to go about it. It's different and cool and engaging.

Q. Can you tell me more about the killer whale example?

SAM HAUSER: I'll let him. I don’t really know how to describe it.

Q. You said the other day you were going back and watching old games to get that confidence back, reminds you of who you are. What were some of the old games that you went back to, and what was that like to see some of those?

SAM HAUSER: I mean, nothing in particular. Just I didn't even do it before the game. It was more of something I could turn to when I need something to switch things up.

I feel like if you need extra motivation to play in the NBA Finals, you're probably in the wrong business. I was ready to go and get back out there and just got to continue, like I said before, just bring energy and help this team any way possible.

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