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June 8, 2024

Jrue Holiday

Boston Celtics

Practice Day

Q. After looking at the film, what did you like about what you guys were able to do and what are you expecting here in Game 2 on Sunday night?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Yeah, I think we came out aggressive, which was good. Gave us some leeway to withstand their punch when they came back. I think we did a pretty good job executing for most of the game but keeping our poise, even being up almost 30 and then coming down, cutting it to eight. I think we kept our poise pretty well and pushed it back up to 20.

Q. What do you expect in Game 2?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Something different. They are probably going to try to get more threes. I think their role players are going to make more of an impact, and then they are just going to come out more aggressive. It was Game 1. It’s always a feeler game.

I think when both teams get more comfortable out here, it will be a battle.

Q. Game 2s have been an issue, it wasn't in Indy, but how do you prevent against that and what was the key to doing it the last round?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I think having that mindset that we want this win and however long it takes, no matter what it takes, get it done. So not every game is going to be pretty, or like the first game. Just knowing that if we do what we're supposed to do, we'll always have a chance.

Q. The Mavs have been very successful in Game 2 matchups. How much are you expecting them to punch back?

JRUE HOLIDAY: It's Game 2 of the Finals. I think we are definitely expecting them to swing and come out clawing and fighting. We know in their Game 2s, Luka has started off, definitely been killer, especially, in the first quarter. I think at this point we have to lock into the game plan and do the best we can to kind of withstand their punches and go from there.

Q. Their game plan, the things that they have usually done leading up to the Finals, the threes, lobs, how were you able to combat some of that?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I think we did the best we could trying to take away their lobs. Those are definitely energy plays for them. Two high flyers in Gafford and Lively, we tried to take those away. I think we tried to keep them on the free throw line as best possible, and we know they have corner shooters in Derrick Jones Jr. and P.J. Washington and Tim Hardaway Jr. They have a lot of great role players out there. So just really going to do the best we can to try to minimize it.

Q. How would you describe the relationship between Jayson and Jaylen? What makes it work so well?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I think the relationship between Jayson and Jaylen is natural. I don't think that they try to force anything upon one another. I feel like people do try to make it like a big deal, but honestly, who they are, they can be quiet at times, but when they speak, everything that they say is important.

And I think that their relationship is their relationship and it's been awesome.

Q. How special is it to watch each do what they do individually and then put it together with the team in what they bring?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I like it a lot better being on their side rather than -- rather than going against them just because I've been in situations where I've had to guard both of them in a series and it's extremely difficult. The way they play, the way they complement each other, especially being aggressive getting into the paint, both being great playmakers in the first game, balancing that with scoring and making everybody better; I'm glad I'm on this side.

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