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June 8, 2024

Derrick White

Boston Celtics

Practice Day

Q. What do you expect from Dallas in Game 2?

DERRICK WHITE: We expect them to play better. They have showed that all postseason. I think they have lost Game 1 a couple times, and they came back with a big Game 2 win.

So we expect them to play a lot better. We've got to be even better than we were last game and just try to clean up the things we made mistakes on and understand it's definitely going to be a bigger challenge.

Q. Dallas was talking about how they were disappointed by the energy they came out with for Game 1, especially at the start. What's the mindset you have to have in Game 2 to match or exceed that energy?

DERRICK WHITE: I feel like always the No. 1 adjustment is to play harder. Play with more physicality. We can't be satisfied. We've got to understand that. We've been talking about that the whole postseason. It's just physicality. So we've got to be ready for whatever they throw at us.

Q. What makes Game 2 so difficult?

DERRICK WHITE: Each game just gets more and more difficult. The more comfortable you get with the team, the more you know what they like to do, what we like to do.

Each game just gets more and more difficult. Each game is a different adjustment, and you've just got to figure out what they change and how we can attack that.

Q. How different is this Finals experience for you than two years ago?

DERRICK WHITE: Yeah, it feels way different. I think anytime you make it for the first time, this is just like a dream come true. And it's just a lot going on, obviously. So this year, I'm not surprised by it, just comfortable and ready to compete.

Q. Game 2 in 2022 in the Finals against the Warriors, they come out and they won that game after you guys won Game 1. Does that experience, just knowing that the energy really shifted in that series from Game 1 to Game 2, does that experience help you at all thinking about Game 2 against Dallas after a win?

DERRICK WHITE: I think any experience is great to have. Obviously, it was a different series, different time, different team. But all experience is nice. We've learned a lot from that. I think we've grown from it. Whatever it takes to win, and whatever it takes to advance, that's what we've been doing this whole postseason. So whatever it takes. We win, we lose, but we got to be ready to compete at a high level.

Q. What are skills required when you go from guarding Luka to Kyrie?

DERRICK WHITE: First things first, you've got to compete. Just try to make them uncomfortable. Obviously, two great players. They kind of play a little differently, but two great players. Just try to keep them in front and try to have them take tough shots.

Q. Coach Mazzulla, heavy criticism the last couple of years. How has he grown as a coach here in the last two years?

DERRICK WHITE: I love Joe. Love playing for him. He's a great basketball mind. The way he thinks is next level. I think this year he's just much more comfortable, and we all feel comfortable with him as our coach. It's been great just learning from him.

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