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June 8, 2024

Al Horford

Boston Celtics

Practice Day

Q. What do you expect in Game 2?

AL HORFORD: They're definitely a team that is going to come out swinging, much, much more aggressive. For us, to be able to come out with the same energy and continue to play at a high level like we've been doing.

Q. Do you feel like the Game 2 trend you've struggled with up until the Eastern Conference Finals, do you think that's behind you?

AL HORFORD: Every series is different. Every game is different. For us, we understand it's a big challenge. We are not really thinking about the past. We have to focus on this Game 2 and make sure we do the things we need to do to put ourselves in position to win a game.

Q. How does the energy change going into Game 2?

AL HORFORD: It presents its own challenges. And now obviously I know that they are going to come out very aggressive, and we are, as well. It's just one of those things that we have to make sure that we just stay the course. Emotions are obviously going to be high. From Game 1 to Game 2, the biggest thing is making sure we are as prepared as we can be and ready to go tomorrow.

Q. Putting a ton of pressure on Luka to take away the lobs and the kick-outs to the three-point line. Sam Hauser mentioned that DJ MacLeay has taken the lead in that scouting aspect. How connected do you guys have to be as a group to make that work and what has DJ done to get you ready?

AL HORFORD: DJ has been great for us. Very clear with his concepts what he wants to do. Creating how he wants us to execute things. I feel like our group, obviously we’ve bought in, we’re really locked in and trying to do the best we can.

Q. Jason Kidd just called Jaylen Brown your guys’ best player.

AL HORFORD: J-Kidd, man, I see what he is doing. I see what he is doing. Jaylen Brown is an unbelievable player and very special for us.

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