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June 9, 2024

Jason Kidd

Dallas Mavericks

Game 2: Pregame

Q. How is Luka, and how did he get hurt with the latest injury?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, Luka's questionable. So, we'll see how he feels when he warms up and make that decision.

Q. How did he get hurt?

JASON KIDD: I think taking a charge or diving on the floor for a loose ball.

Q. Do you go in with two game plans in that situation, or is there somebody you're comfortable with filling -- doing some of the things he does in the minutes he's not playing?

JASON KIDD: That being Luka?

Q. Yes.

JASON KIDD: Yes, just one game plan. If he's out, we're prepared to go without him, next man up. If he's going, the game plan doesn't change. He's in.

We've been in this seat pretty much the whole playoffs. So nothing changes.

Q. Obviously with Luka being questionable, yesterday watching practice, you guys seemed pretty loose, like you were having a good time. Do you sense that same kind of calmness heading into Game 2?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, I thought yesterday was a great day for us on the floor, and then also watching the game. And then I think for our group, who has been around, we tend to be loose, and I thought yesterday was a perfect example of us getting better and understanding what we have to do tonight.

Q. We've seen Kyrie bounce back from offensive struggles the day after or the next game. Why do you think he's equipped to flush the game before and bounce back like he is?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, I think when you look at Ky, he's a vet. He's been on this stage multiple times. But he's played the game where he wasn't effective offensively, or up to his standards, and he will take a look at what he can do better.

Again, understands what he has to do tonight. Hopefully we get those same shots. We truly believe that he'll knock them down, and hopefully that puts us in a position to win.

Q. How is Maxi's shoulder doing, and will we see him tonight playing some more minutes?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, Maxi is doing great. He feels great. Hopefully we can find some more minutes for him tonight.

Q. As a player and as a coach, what are some of the similarities, differences, in being in the Finals in terms of anticipation and control and things of that nature?

JASON KIDD: Well, I think as a player, I mean, it's different. But as a coach, there's a lot of waiting when it's spread out.

So you've got to be able to pace the information that you're giving to guys. Don't want to overload them too early. You have to understand that with the break in between, the off-days or the days that you're not going on the court, but they are getting stimulated to still understand they have a job to do; that's as a coach.

As a player, you're just trying to figure out how to put yourself in a better position; if you did lose, if you did win, you're anticipating the adjustments, what the team is going to do to try to slow you down.

So two totally different things. Again, one is -- also involves the physical activity. The other one has you standing or sitting. So definitely different.

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