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June 9, 2024

Luka Doncic

Dallas Mavericks

Game 2: Postgame

Boston Celtics 105, Dallas Mavericks 98

Q. What have you been dealing with with your chest? Was there any question in your mind about being able to go tonight, and how are you feeling physically throughout this game, especially going into the fourth quarter?

LUKA DONCIC: I mean, I actually was -- you know, I always want to play. So all day we did a lot of things to get ready for the game.

Q. And how are you feeling physically tonight? Obviously a lot of minutes going into the fourth quarter, especially.

LUKA DONCIC: Good. Good. I was okay.

Q. Looked like you had an interaction with the Celtics owner. Did he do something or say something that you thought was over the line?

LUKA DONCIC: I'm sorry, I don't know who is the Celtics owner.

Q. Was there somebody in the first row that you were having an exchange with? That was the Celtics owner.


Q. In a game where the Celtics shot 26 percent from three, Jayson Tatum didn't have a necessarily good offensive outing -- does it feel like a missed opportunity that you were not able to capitalize on a game like this?

LUKA DONCIC: Every game we lose, it's a missed opportunity for us.

Q. Later in the game, it seemed like you guys started to be able to get more people involved, but for a while, first quarter and second quarter, even into the third, it was heavily you. What finally started to work, and how can you guys get more people involved offensively earlier on in the game?

LUKA DONCIC: You say in the third there was less people involved?

Q. I'm saying in the first half, it was mostly you and you guys eventually started to get more people involved. What eventually worked?

LUKA DONCIC: Yeah, obviously didn't work because we lost. But at the end of the day, we've got to make some more shots. I think my turnovers and my missed free throws cost us the game. So I've got to do way better in those two categories.

But at the end of the day, we've got to make shots to win the game.

Q. Celtics are already a deep team, and you guys have shown a lot of your depth, but when the shot making is not going down, it's more apparent. How do you counteract their depth given Tatum and Brown can have an off night and Jrue can go off?

LUKA DONCIC: That's why they are the No. 1 team in the NBA with the No. 1 record. They have a lot of great players. Basically anybody can get off.

Honestly, I think we didn't do a bad job defending today. We took away threes. We contested more threes. And like I say, I had too many turnovers, and we missed a lot of free throws. So I think that cost us the game.

Q. How tough has their defense been physically, and are they doing something unusual or different for you, or are you guys having breakdowns offensively?

LUKA DONCIC: I mean, they are physical, yeah. But they try to guard one-on-one. I think today they tried to help more. I was able to get some teammates open. But they are physical. They are very physical. We let them be physical. So they are pretty, pretty amazing on defense.

Q. Do you remember how exactly did the injury occur? Jason wasn't sure if you took a charge or if you were diving for a loose ball.

LUKA DONCIC: I think it was a charge. We don't really know because I didn't feel it until the next day. I was really surprised. So we think it was a charge.

Q. And as the series goes back to Dallas for Games 3 and 4, what do you think most of all you guys need to do to turn the series around?

LUKA DONCIC: We've got to make shots. We've got to make free throws and less turnovers. Those three things I think are the key for a win -- to win.

Q. Boston has not lost a game yet on the road this postseason. What specifically can you do at home to make things more difficult for them? Is there anything specific at home that you guys can do?

LUKA DONCIC: Score more points. But at the end of the day, it's basketball, away or home. We've just got to play better basketball to win.

Q. Do you guys take something away from staying around because they seem to be putting so much pressure to keep trying to pull away? Do you guys take solace that you were able to stay in the game for as long -- right to the end?

LUKA DONCIC: Sorry, I don't understand you.

Q. I mean, they seemed to be ready to pull away in several different points in the fourth quarter. Do you guys take something away from it by being able to stay in the game right till the last minute?

LUKA DONCIC: Yes -- I don't really know how to respond, but yes. I'm sorry.

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