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June 9, 2024

Jason Kidd

Dallas Mavericks

Game 2: Postgame

Boston Celtics 105, Dallas Mavericks 98

Q. What was your interpretation of the fast break with P.J. that led to the block by Derrick White there at the end?

JASON KIDD: My interpretation? It looked like a foul. But it wasn't called. So it wasn't a foul.

Q. You called two timeouts deep in the third quarter about 10 minutes apart. Their lead had gone from 2 to 6 and then it went from 6 to 12. What were you looking for coming out of that first timeout that might have made the second one not needed?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, just trying to keep -- Boston is a team that can run off threes in a hurry. Just trying to keep that from happening.

Also, looking at just trying to give my guys some rest because they were fighting extremely hard. We are playing uphill, and so the lead went from 6 to 12, but then we responded after that second timeout.

Q. How much did free throws factor into tonight's loss?

JASON KIDD: Big. The small things, you know, we have to do the small things, and that's part of the game. Those are points that we left on the board, and we didn't shoot free throws well tonight, and we have to be better.

Q. Kyrie came out early. Looked like he was rolling. Why do you think his rhythm was disrupted and he wasn't able to be as impactful offensively the rest of the game?

JASON KIDD: He had great looks. They just didn't go down. That's just the game of basketball. Sometimes you make them. Sometimes you don't. You continue to keep playing.

He had some good looks that just didn't go down for him tonight.

Q. Luka was in just a minute ago, said that his missed free throws and turnovers cost you guys the game. Wonder your perspective on the totality of his performance?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, he was great. No matter what he says, that's just who he is. He's a leader. It's not all on him. It's a team. We win as a team, and we lose as a team.

So he put us in a position. He was really good tonight. Unfortunately, we just couldn't get over the hump. I thought our defense was really, really good. We've just got to take care of the ball. There's too many turnovers that gave them points, and then also being able to -- we've got to score the ball, and right now, we've got to find someone to join Luka and Ky in that scoring category.

Q. It seemed like Luka got Boston to blink a little bit. There was more help. They were leaving players open more often, like you said. There just needs to be more scoring or more shot making. What did you see in the second half of the way Boston defended you guys, and Luka specifically, and why you guys were not able to take advantage of that space?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, I think Luka is a special player. He's one of, if not the best player in the world, and he causes a problem. He's able to find guys. Again, creating open opportunities, and we just didn't take advantage of it.

And we'll go back and look and see if we can get even better looks. But the looks that we got, we just missed some open threes. It was good to see Exum knock down an open three, and hopefully we can build on that.

Q. On Wednesday, you talked about the Shaq and Kobe teams and said you felt like your Nets teams were not good enough. You mentioned that Golden State Warriors team that beat both you guys and the Celtics [in 2022]. With your young guys, do you have to get them in the right head space to not be concerned that they are not good enough after two games, especially when the Celtics haven't shot all that well?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, I think we do have quite a few young players. And for them to have fun and enjoy this, and learn from it, and that's what they are doing.

And we've counted on them all year, not just here in the Finals, but throughout the season and also in the Western Conference Finals or the playoffs with Oklahoma City or the Clippers.

And for them, it's just a matter of getting comfortable and going back home. Hopefully that will help.

Q. As you look to turn this series around, headed back to Dallas, what's the biggest message that you send to your team?

JASON KIDD: We've just got to stay positive. Some of us have been in this situation before, and so just take one possession at a time, and we've got to focus on Game 3, and that's all.

Q. Heading back to Dallas, making the Celtics play on the road, they have not lost a game on the road yet this year. Are there certain adjustments you can make to make life tougher for them in Dallas?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, they haven't lost a game since May something, right? Yeah, they're hot. And not just on the road, but at home.

We've got to protect home, and that's it. We've got to find a way, continue, again, to build on our defense. Our defense put us in a position to win tonight. Unfortunately, our offense didn't help us.

And so, again, Ky and Luka are going to get their looks. We have got to get someone else involved of being able to knock down some shots. Defensively, we can build on this and we can be better. We've got to take care of the ball. If we can take care of the ball, hopefully that gives us more opportunities at scoring.

Q. How do you find that balance between playing one-on-one and trying to get those other guys involved?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, well, I think it's a matter of not just playing one-on-one but setting -- setting it up so that they can get a live ball catch and be able to work. With Luka there for a minute, he was playing below the defense, and we were able to get him on the box or at the nail, and he took full advantage of that.

Just being able to move the pieces around. And I thought we did that. We've got to take care of the ball. I've said this; I sound like I'm repeating myself. But if we can take care of the ball and not give them live-ball turnovers where they are not just laying up the ball or dunking, it puts us in a better seat. We've got to take care of the ball. That's the next step in the series.

Q. What can you build on going on to Games 3 and 4, the positives that you can emphasize to your players to encourage to them, instead of being down?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, we are not down. We're positive. This is a group that believes. We didn't get an opportunity to get a split or win two here on the road. Now Boston held serve. Now we've got to go home and hold serve.

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