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June 5, 2024

Dwight Powell

Dallas Mavericks

Media Day

Q. What is it like to be here for the NBA Finals?

DWIGHT POWELL: It's a huge moment. It's an honor. It's a blessing. It's one of those things you dream about, think about every preseason, every season, every postseason, every offseason.

To be here now, it's something special. But just got to stay locked into the moment to be successful.

Q. How about having it here at the Garden?

DWIGHT POWELL: It's a special place to play, especially an NBA Finals. I know the energy is going to be insane. Their fan base is one of the best, for sure. They're going to support their team. We're going to feed off the energy.

Q. When you got traded from Dallas to Boston, three times in three months, did you ever think you would be sitting here as the Mavericks' longest-tenured guy?

DWIGHT POWELL: There might have been a few moments when I dreamed of the future to come back here like this. It's cool to be back here. Back then was a whirlwind. I was trying to survive.

Q. What do you remember from that? The roster is totally different.

DWIGHT POWELL: Yeah, it feels like a whole different era to me, a different time. It was in a lot of respects. Happy to be where I am. It's been a great journey. To be here now is a really special experience.

Q. What do you remember about playing with Kristaps? What is it going to be like to face him now?

DWIGHT POWELL: He's a special player. Presence around the rim defensively, obviously can shoot from very deep. With his height, it's hard. Adds an element to those guys that we can definitely key in on and take into account. Scoring threat.

As far as his time with us, we're going to compete. At the end of the day, we are good friends, have a good relationship. Looking forward to battling.

Q. With the way Luka's 77 has taken over the league, can you take us back to that at the beginning when he was going to be No. 7?

DWIGHT POWELL: I'm not sure which story you're talking about.

Q. He was going to wear 7, but you were 7. How different the world has been now with basketball and his journey. You're rocking No. 7 at this point, too. I don't know if there was any conversation about that.

DWIGHT POWELL: Very brief. I think he's wearing the 77 very well. For a guy like him, I think it's very fitting to have a unique number. As one of the most unique players this league has seen, this game has seen, for him to have the number that kind of stands on its own, it's very fitting.

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