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June 5, 2024

Derrick White

Boston Celtics

Media Day

Q. Derrick, facing against Luka and Kyrie, obviously there's going to be a lot of pressure on you and Jrue. What kind of challenges do they present? Have you seen a better duo do what they do?

DERRICK WHITE: They're two of the most talented guards this league has seen. It's going to be a challenge for all of us. It's not going to be one-on-one; we all have to participate.

They're two of the best this league has ever seen. It's going to be a lot of fun. Just have to embrace that challenge.

Q. What specifically do you have to do to stop them or try to neutralize them as best you can?

DERRICK WHITE: Pray they miss (laughter). They're special. They make tough shots. You just got to try to make it difficult for them for 48 minutes and embrace that challenge.

Q. You switch a lot. What are the challenges in that they're such different offensive players?

DERRICK WHITE: You got to know the personnel. You're just competing. We've been switching a lot all year. Whoever has that challenge, just got to know that it's not just you on an island; we're all going to be there behind them. Just embracing that challenge, competing and trying to make it as difficult as we can.

Q. What do you make of Kyrie being public enemy number one around here?

DERRICK WHITE: I mean, obviously there's a lot of history between the two. I think once we get in between the lines and the game starts, it's just going to be a competitive game. We're just going to go out there and compete. I know he's going to do the same.

Q. From a mentality standpoint, what are the biggest differences being here this time versus two years ago?

DERRICK WHITE: Yeah, I think at the time we didn't have anybody who had any Finals experience. So obviously we've learned a lot from that Finals a couple years ago. Obviously adding KP and Jrue, all the experience they have.

I think it's going to be different. Everybody is looking forward to it and embracing the challenge. This is the NBA Finals, it's what you dream about. It's going to be a challenge.

Q. You have talked about getting here from day one. You've answered a lot of questions. What do you feel as a team getting ready for Game 1?

DERRICK WHITE: I think everybody's excited, honestly. It's been a long break. A good week of practice. Everybody is looking forward to it. Like I said, this is what you dream about. Whatever it takes we got to be willing to do. We've been working for this moment the whole season.

Q. Now that you're this close, can you taste it?

DERRICK WHITE: Yeah. It's going to be here tomorrow. It's going to be fun. There's going to be a lot going on. A big challenge and have fun with it.

Q. What's the challenge been like knowing tomorrow is what you've worked for all season? Whereas other teams it's a success to get to this point.

DERRICK WHITE: We didn't want to skip any steps the whole season. Obviously, the outside noise is going to be there no matter what we do. So this whole year we didn't want to skip steps. I think we did a really good job of that in the regular season and the postseason.

Just continue to take it one day at a time, one game at a time. Just understand there are going to be ups, there's going to be downs. Just embrace it.

Q. Al Horford was saying that when you play for a franchise like the Celtics, there's almost an expectation or pressure to perform. It manifests itself in a good way that it adds you want to hang a banner here playing for this franchise. Do you agree?

DERRICK WHITE: Yeah, I mean, you're here, you see all the banners, all the history. It's in our practice facility. You just dream about being part of that. Obviously the great history that the Celtics have.

I think we all just embraced it and are thankful and grateful to be a part of this organization.

Q. It hasn't happened here in quite some time. What would it mean to be the group that gets over that hump and brings this franchise back to, I don't want to say a dynasty, but potentially so.

DERRICK WHITE: This is what it's all about here in Boston, this stage, this moment. We understand the challenges of it. We're just looking forward to it. We're going to have fun. There's going to be ups, there's going to be downs. We may lose, but we got to go out there and compete each and every night. Whatever it takes to get four wins.

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