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June 5, 2024

Al Horford

Boston Celtics

Media Day

Q. How does it feel getting ready for Game 1?

AL HORFORD: Just really excited. Just excited to be in this position. At the beginning of camp, that's all we've been talking about, being in this position again. I'm just grateful. Right now, just trying to take this experience in of the Media Day, per se. It's just a fun time, a fun time for me.

Q. How much are you enjoying it?

AL HORFORD: I'm enjoying it. This is a part of it. I feel like the first time we went through it, I feel like it was a bit overwhelming, just a lot going on.

This time around, I feel like we all understand it a little better. I'm very appreciative to be in this position.

Q. How did you use the layoff? An eternity for a basketball player.

AL HORFORD: Yeah, just continuing to stay consistent in the things that I did, coming in, working out individually, doing our team stuff when we needed to. It was just for a longer, extended period of time. Staying really locked in.

I think the first day I took a day off right after Indiana, Game 4. After that, I just continued with my routine, continued to stay ready, taking advantage of the time.

For me, this time off, I feel like it's been good to get me as prepared as best I can for tomorrow.

Q. What's it like having Kristaps back?

AL HORFORD: It's great. He's obviously a very big part of what we do. Just everything that he brings on the floor. He's a threat offensively. As we know, he shoots it, he can post, he protects the rim for us. It's just a really good thing for us to be able to have him back.

Q. What do you think this home crowd is going to be like, specifically with Kyrie on the other side?

AL HORFORD: I'm excited. I know I'm excited. I know our fans are even more excited. It's the Finals. They're going to be rowdy. They're going to get after it. 8:30 start. I'm just happy. I can't wait until tomorrow. I can't wait to see them bring that energy.

Q. This is not your first rodeo. Is experience overrated?

AL HORFORD: I think it's a thing. I think so. I think being in this position, this situation, everything we have to manage, it can be overwhelming your first time dealing with all this.

Q. There is more pressure on you to win since you didn't win in 2022. Do you feel that pressure? Is that something that's positive? Something that negatively affects the team?

AL HORFORD: The good thing about playing for the Boston Celtics is that the expectation is always there. When I came here eight years ago, this is what I came here for, for these kind of moments. What you say is pressure, nobody is going to put pressure on themselves more than we do, more than I do individually myself. I'm just really excited for this opportunity.

Q. How has Kristaps looked to you in the few days he's been back? Does he look to be moving okay, close to 100% to you from what you've seen?

AL HORFORD: Yeah, I mean, I feel like he's looked good. Kristaps, he's more of a gamer. I know when the game comes around, if he says he's playing, he's going to be ready to roll.

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