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June 5, 2024

Oshae Brissett

Boston Celtics

Media Day

Q. How does it feel to get here to the Finals? What does it mean everything you've gone through?

OSHAE BRISSETT: It means a lot. It's a real testament to my hard work, all the time I put in in the gym. I tell myself this is where I want to be, this is where I want to play at.

Being here is great. It's a blessing, especially getting here right now. Something I've been dreaming of my whole life.

Q. How did you get into the vlog role? You got the camera skills down. How much is that a labor of love or something that came natural to you?

OSHAE BRISSETT: I wouldn't say natural. I look at all the videos, but just a lot of trying to learn stuff. It's kind of turned into a hobby.

Q. When you came here, did you ever envision yourself playing small-ball five?

OSHAE BRISSETT: I feel like now in the NBA you kind of have to expect stuff like that with the way that teams play, especially the way we play. We have guys, sometimes J.T. is at the five. Myself, as well. We can throw anything out there. Just be prepared, be ready for anything.

Q. When was the first time you had to take that position in your career?

OSHAE BRISSETT: I've been doing that for a while. I think college. I played it in college sometimes. In high school. Because I was always the tallest guy. I can guard one through five. Feel like switching up is easy for me always.

Q. You're always the first person to stand up and celebrate, seems like you're never tired or in a bad mood. Have you always been like that as a supporter on the bench?

OSHAE BRISSETT: No, that's always been in me. I love basketball. I love playing basketball. Before anything, I was a fan of basketball. I liked watching. All of my brothers played. It started from that. Now being here on the biggest stage, some of the best players in the world, that's just who I am.

I love staying engaged. It helps me stay focused, stay locked in. It's just something that, for me, helps me. I also know it helps the guys out there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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