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June 6, 2024

Daniel Gafford

Dallas Mavericks

Game 1: Postgame

Boston Celtics 107, Dallas Mavericks 89

Q: Did you feel any jitters coming into the game? Did anyone have to shake off some cobwebs from the number of days off?

DANIEL GAFFORD: I’m pretty sure. Everybody was ready to go. It’s been a long stretch before we had this first game. We finally got that out of our system, so now we should be able to play for the next one.

Q. You guys have bounced back from Game 1 losses in the playoffs. Can you rely on that? You’ve been able to lose Game 1s and still win series.

DANIEL GAFFORD: Of course. This is something that we can learn from and it can help us in the next game.

Q. Would you just say with the switching it was poor execution or were they hitting difficult shots?

DANIEL GAFFORD: Not necessarily difficult shots. We just have to communicate a lot better and just be better in our principles defensively. That’s what's going to help us withstand the stretch of the runs they made.

Q: What can you say about Kristaps’ performance tonight?

DANIEL GAFFORD: I mean, he looked pretty healthy to me. We have to find a way to match his energy and physicality.

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