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June 6, 2024

Jrue Holiday

Boston Celtics

Game 1: Postgame

Boston Celtics 107, Dallas Mavericks 89

Q. How good was it to get this first win?

JRUE HOLIDAY: It feels good to win. But just know that the job’s not done. Never getting too high, too low. Just knowing that we’ve got (to win) Sunday and then two more.

Q. What did you like about what you guys did tonight, especially in the third quarter when they cut it to eight points?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I think we set the tone early. That kind of gave us the lead and then when they made their hit, they got it within eight, we could withstand it and push it back up to 20. So we did a good job of just being poised.

Q. What do you have to do to hold a team like that to so few assists?

JRUE HOLIDAY: It takes a lot. Lock into the game plan. Two great scorers and playmakers in Luka and Kyrie. It takes a lot. It takes a full team.

Q. What did you see from Kristaps tonight?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Him being him. It was good to see it. You see him go out there and have fun. He brings energy to the game. And how he plays is so fun to see. Glad he’s on my side.

Q. What stands out about the kind of pressure that Dallas threw defensively at Jayson and how he was able to react to that, especially early in the game?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I think Jayson is just being Jayson. I don’t think there is any pressure that he can’t handle, on or off the court. But I think on the court, I think him being able to play-make, almost having a triple-double and being the best player on the court is what he does.

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