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June 8, 2024

Maxi Kleber

Dallas Mavericks

Practice Day

Q. What are the things you need to improve in Game 2 to change the results?

MAXI KLEBER: I think we've just got to overall be on a better page together, offense and defense. We gave up way too many rhythm threes for them. They have a very capable three-shooting team. On the offensive side, just finding our spots better, creating the space for Ky and Luka to operate and make the right plays. Overall, finding our spots, communication and play better together as a team.

Q. Why has this team been so resilient?

MAXI KLEBER: We believe in each other. We just try to play hard. We saw the mistakes. We watched the tape. So we just have to make the right adjustment and come out with the right energy.

Q. The key to slowing down Porzingis is what?

MAXI KLEBER: We have got to make it a little bit harder on him to get the catches on the elbow. Push out a little bit further and then just stay in front of him and make sure we contest a shot the best way possible. We definitely can't let him get into rhythm early.

Q. Is there anything to the theory that says that the environment of the NBA Finals takes a little bit to adjust to, and if so, do you think the team will have a different approach in Game 2 from that regard?

MAXI KLEBER: I think we dealt with good crowds in Game 1s before. I feel like OKC and Minnesota were very loud, too. Obviously, this is the Finals and it's the biggest stage. But at the end of the day, we have to focus on our game and play with the right mindset.

I wouldn't say it's a big change for us. We just have to, like I said, focus and do a better job on what we're supposed to.

Q. We've talked about the brotherhood of this team, but deeper in the playoffs now, is the bond growing stronger and tighter?

MAXI KLEBER: Of course. We have been together for so long now. We had some trades at the trade deadline. But it gives you time to just spend more time together, play more together. The deeper you get into the playoffs, the bond is growing. Even yesterday in the meeting, just the way we communicated and figure out solutions for the problems, it's just showing that we can grow every day as a team.

Q. You've been dealing with the Dirk Nowitzki comparisons, coming from the same country and franchise, and now playing for Dallas in the Finals as well. How do you deal with the pressure that comes with that?

MAXI KLEBER: I think there's a big, big gap between Dirk Nowitzki and me. He's one of the greatest ever, so I would never, ever dare to compare myself to him. I also think the role that he had and the playoff run that they had back then was so outstanding and one of the most underrated runs -- not underrated but crazy underdog runs.

For me, it's an honor to be here, to fight with the team for the championship. I don't take it for granted. Just come out here and play my hardest.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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