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June 5, 2024

Jaden Hardy

Dallas Mavericks

Media Day

Q. What is the experience like your first go-around?

JADEN HARDY: This experience is amazing. I look at it as a blessing. A lot of people play their careers and never get a chance to play in the Finals.

I would never take this for granted. I'm just super grateful to be here. Can't wait to get started.

Q. Kyrie is someone who has won a championship before. What has he told you about the experience? How has he helped you through this process?

JADEN HARDY: Kyrie has helped all of us, those going through this the first time. He told us to just stay in the moment, lean on each other. We're all brothers. Just being there for each other. Stand together, stick together, trusting each other.

Q. Against Minnesota, you really got an opportunity. They gave you a chance, you took advantage of that. What was that experience like as a basketball guy? They gave you a platform and you took advantage of the moment.

JADEN HARDY: Yeah, that experience was super fun, to have the opportunity to go out there and play on the highest stage in the Playoffs, be able to perform. I was super grateful. I want to thank God for all of the blessings that He's blessed me with.

Q. Despite the limited minutes, we have seen you play with a lot of confidence. Where has that come from?

JADEN HARDY: All that confidence comes from hours in the gym, late nights, just having confidence in my abilities. When I go out there, I feel like I'm confident in my ability to go out there and perform.

Q. Do you feel like you're an underdog or favorite as a team?

JADEN HARDY: I don't look it as an underdog. I feel like we have a bunch of guys that are hungry, I would say that. We have a bunch of guys that are hungry and ready for this moment. We're not going to take this for granted.

Q. What advantages do you think you have against the Celtics?

JADEN HARDY: I feel like with the pace we play with, I feel like with our bigs, how athletic they are, I feel like we have good depth with our team.

Q. Can you allow yourself to think about how you're four wins from the championship? Do you think about that, how close you are to the dream?

JADEN HARDY: Yeah, I think about it. I've been thinking about it every day, how these days just keep approaching. It's getting closer and closer. I'm just super excited to get out there and hoop.

Q. You know Kyrie's history here with the Celtics. What do you expect this crowd to be like for Game 1?

JADEN HARDY: Yeah, it's going to be a lot of energy in this building. It's probably going to be hostile. We already know what is expected. We going to come in hungry and ready to fight.

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