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June 5, 2024

Tim Hardaway Jr.

Dallas Mavericks

Media Day

Q. Seeing all the banners, the parquet. Is it hitting home?

TIM HARDAWAY JR.: It's great. You're part of history right now, playing in one of the most historic venues in all of basketball.

Just happy to be a part of it, happy to be here. Just got to embrace the opportunity and try our best to come out with a win.

Q. The midseason changes. What was that process like?

TIM HARDAWAY JR.: I think it's the size and depth came into play for us. We got a lot taller, a lot bigger in the front of our defense. A lot of guys that are athletic, run the floor, block shots, shoot the three ball very well.

Did I say defend? All right (laughter). I want to make sure I put that, as well.

I think that was the focal point with the team. It was a great choice.

Q. What is it going to be like going against Kristaps? Why didn't it work out in Dallas?

TIM HARDAWAY JR.: I can't answer that question because I don't know. KP was a great teammate. I played with him for many years. Injuries played a big role in that, a big part in that. When healthy, he's very dominant, shoot the three ball well, block shots.

I know deep down he's going to be ready. We're going to be ready, too.

Q. What kind of conversations has Kyrie had with you about what to anticipate when you walk in the building tomorrow?

TIM HARDAWAY JR.: Be ready. Be ready for anything that happens (laughter). I'm not going to say too much about it. He just said be ready.

Q. You and KP's careers have been intertwined. The journey together.

TIM HARDAWAY JR.: Yeah, we went on a journey, yeah. We both got traded from New York at the same time. Yeah, I would say definitely a journey. Must have done something right because the journey ended here in the Finals. To me, that's all that matters. I'm happy for him to be in this situation. Myself, as well.

Q. You've been in the league 10 years now. You got close to the Finals a couple of years ago. Reflecting on all your stops, the road to get here, what does it mean to you to be on the biggest stage in basketball?

TIM HARDAWAY JR.: It means a lot. Especially being the first in my family to do so (laughter). No, no.

I wouldn't get to this point without my dad. He's always by my side. He's always a phone call away, always supporting me. Always comes to the games.

Like I said, he's a phone call away when I'm struggling, when I'm not. Even if I'm having great games, keep my head down, don't stop, keep that energy, keep that flow going. He's always reiterating to me to always have fun. He's been telling me that since high school. That's what I've been trying to do my whole entire career.

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