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June 5, 2024

Jrue Holiday

Boston Celtics

Media Day

Q. Jrue, we talked to Jaylen and Jayson, they both talked about their experiences in the NBA Finals, how they've been scrutinized. You played with Giannis in a similar situation. As a teammate, do you read that? Do you see that? How do you try to alleviate some of those pressures in the moment?

JRUE HOLIDAY: You do your best to stay away. Your mental health is probably the biggest thing, especially playing in the NBA Finals.

But not only that, I mean, everybody gets scrutinized, right? When I was in Milwaukee, it was about Giannis not having enough help the first two games, whatever. The pressure that JB and JT have to take on is something different. I've told them this before, but it's really impressive how they handle themselves, how they stay professional, how they still come out every game and do what they do.

Yeah, I think it's extremely impressive how they do that.

Q. It's obviously a team defensive assignment to stop anybody on the Mavericks. I'm sure there will be plenty of possessions where you're locked up one-on-one against Kyrie. What is that challenge like? What can you do to try to nullify, thwart, stop?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Pray (smiling).

No, I think it's just familiarity. Just I think knowing each other's game, doing your best to stay in front of him, trying to take away the things that will probably hurt you the most. Probably most of all having help. Him being able to see multiple guys on the court, making it look like it's crowded, making shots as tough as possible, even though he's a tough shot-maker, so...

Q. You've seen Jayson from the opposing side in big games. Has he evolved? Is he better than he was? Has he developed?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I think he's always been great, to be honest. I do think playmaking, he's done a really good job, and that's something I never really saw from him before. He's never afraid to take the big shot. He's never been afraid of that big moment. I think making the right plays in moments is something I've noticed since I've been his teammate.

Q. You've been pretty open about playing with this team, how enjoyable it is, how comfortable you feel here. What makes this team different? What makes it a different that you can compete at this stage?

JRUE HOLIDAY: One thing, the talent. I know sometimes talent doesn't always mesh together. This does. You saw it during the regular season. You've seen it throughout the playoffs, how any given night everybody is just unselfish. I feel like we sacrifice for each other. That's kind of what makes it go.

Then I think it's just the will to win. I think this team really wants to win. I know they've been to the Eastern Conference Finals a million times. They've been to the Finals. They've been to the top, just didn't execute the way they wanted to.

Now that we're here, we want to get the job done.

Q. Obviously you've played a lot of years in the league, been deep in the Playoffs. Having played with Jayson fully this year for the first time, what has stood out to you about his durability and consistency?

JRUE HOLIDAY: He never wants to sit out. He never wants to sit out. I've played with a lot of players. When you have your best player who wants to play every single game, takes the game that seriously, even if they're banged up with an ankle, knee, whatever it is, still goes out there and plays, I think it shows a lot. Not only him as a basketball player, but his character.

Q. When you come into this building and look up to the rafters and see 17 NBA championship flags, does it add to the pressure to want to add to that total?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Not for me. I would just like to add to it. I think to be a part of history would be cool, especially a history that the Celtics have and everything that comes with it.

Again, I would say that I probably don't take a bulk of the pressure because we have Jayson and Jaylen on our team.

But to add to that is I feel like a part of the reason why I was brought here, the part of reason why I wanted to come.

Q. On the other side, Dallas has a couple guys in P.J. and Daniel Gafford who were going to be on lottery teams before they got traded. What does that say about them, but how much opportunity is important and fit is important in this league where guys can contribute heavily, just might be on a team that's not the right fit for them?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I saw something or somebody told me said they started from the bottom, literally at the bottom, now they're at the top. That's really cool to see, especially playing against both of them during the season with their previous teams, seeing their role, how it went for them, then watching them in the Playoffs, being intricate, huge parts of why their team is so successful.

It's really cool to see. They definitely are energy guys. They're guys that mesh well with that team and really make them go. It's going to be a challenge for us to stop them.

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