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June 5, 2024

Dereck Lively

Dallas Mavericks

Media Day

Q. I want to ask you about the chemistry with this team, especially in the second half of the year. To make it to the NBA Finals, you have to have a special type of chemistry. How would you describe it?

DERECK LIVELY II: A whole lot of trust, just a whole lot of communication. In life, you could think someone has your back, but you're never really going to know unless it happens in game play. You get blown by, you see your teammate putting his body on the line for you, makes you just want to do that much more.

Q. Are you able to let this sink in a little bit, being here?

DERECK LIVELY II: I mean, it's hard not to, right? Got to be able to adapt to every situation you're putting yourself in. Whenever you're shooting, doing layup lines and stuff like that, you turn around, there's 150 people with cameras, all you got to do is just smile away.

Q. Have Kyrie and Coach Kidd, have they told you to treat this like any other game?

DERECK LIVELY II: I mean, it's hard to treat it like every other game because there's a level of urgency. We're more focused on each and every individual fact that we can, no matter if that's defensive coverages, offensive game plan, what we need to do to come out and throw the first punch.

Q. How do you describe your past year, pre-draft process, drafted, everything that's happened off the court with your mom, how do you describe what you've gone through?

DERECK LIVELY II: It's definitely been a journey, man. I feel like it hasn't even been a year, but it feels like three. I feel like I've matured, I've grown up, and I've grown a lot as a person and as an individual.

Q. You were perfect from the field in the Western Conferences Finals. How do you find your spots and that great chemistry with Luka and Kyrie?

DERECK LIVELY II: Just understanding I'm going to get them into their spots. Whenever they have three people on them, you just got to understand put yourself in the ability where they can see you, and they going to get the ball to you because they're always going to draw two or two and a half people.

It's just finding little holes in the defense and slowly being able to not be as aggressive but try to get them open so they can get you open, and you're going to get your shots. It's not always going to be me, people in the corner open, people at the top of the three that's open. Just be able to move the ball and find the right shot.

Q. On the mindset of being aggressive and in the moment after all the things he’s gone through this year.

DERECK LIVELY II: It makes you play with a certain level of aggressiveness and freedom. You put your life on the line out there. You put your body and your soul on the line in this 94 feet so you can win a basketball game. We're talking about basketball. Are you going to go out on the court and be scared of anybody because it's a basketball game? No.

I feel like there's a lot of things in life, a lot of fears in life that I've had to meet over this past year, and it's caused me to be that much more confident in myself, being in such a tight-knit, intense moments.

Q. On playing in Boston.

DERECK LIVELY II: I feel like the Boston Celtics has always been a franchise that has a lot of respect, has had a lot of talent, has had a lot of people come in and left their mark here. It just makes it that much more of an experience for me.

I've never been in an NBA Finals. This is my first year. Why not have it on the biggest stage? Why not put it in the biggest setting possible so you can grow the most and you can adapt?

Q. Kyrie and Luka, not as basketball players exactly, but off the court as leaders, how have they helped you here in your first year? What do they mean as leaders to that locker room?

DERECK LIVELY II: Their voice is law. If you're on bullsh-- they're going to call you out. At the same time, they have the same respect for you if they're on bullsh-- and you're supposed to call them out.

I feel like they both act younger than me off the court. They're both joking, joyous, trying to put a smile on everybody's face. But whenever it comes to on the court, there's a certain switch that they turn on. You can see it in their eyes. The kill mentality, just go out there and hoop, go out there and get the best shot, go out there and try to be the best basketball player possible.

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