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June 5, 2024

Josh Green

Dallas Mavericks

Media Day

Q. What does it feel like to be here at the NBA Finals?

JOSH GREEN: This is awesome. I've dreamed of this opportunity as a kid, my whole life. It's something you work for. I think being here now, it's amazing. It's bright lights. I think the guys are ready to go. It's been our number one goal since the season started.

Q. Talk about going against the Celtics in this historic building.

JOSH GREEN: I think the history says it for itself. Like I said, everyone is excited. It's one of my favorite places to play in the NBA. I'm looking forward to it. The rest of the guys are, too.

Q. What are the challenges they present?

JOSH GREEN: I think we obviously respect them a lot as a team. They're a great team, coached amazing. I think everyone we faced in the Playoffs has been a great challenge for us. I think it adds to that. It's exciting.

Q. You mentioned working for this your whole life. Coming here for school, then going to the Mavs in the draft, working your way up, signing the extension. What does it mean to you? The whole process of getting there, reflecting on that journey, what does it mean to be on this stage?

JOSH GREEN: It's weird, man. Looking back at it, it's crazy. There's so many times in my career, whether it's high school, college, it felt like everything was going the wrong way in life. Especially my first couple years in the NBA.

To be able to reflect on this and see where we are as a team nowadays, it's super fun. It's exciting. It continues to motivate me. I still feel like I'm young in my career. But, yeah, it's good.

Q. Some players like to say, I always knew I'd be here, get to this stage. Does that resonate with you or are you like, I earned this spot?

JOSH GREEN: I mean, I knew I'd be on it in like in 2K or something or playing My Career as a kid growing up, always dreaming of being in the Finals.

But I think it's hard to say I knew I'd be here. Where I come from in Australia, Castle Hill, you dream of stuff like this. Pretty sure the little me would be very happy with myself. I would say I worked very hard to get where I'm at, though.

Q. What do you expect the atmosphere to be here, especially with Kyrie coming back into town?

JOSH GREEN: Yeah, the atmosphere is amazing here in the regular season, so I can only imagine what it's going to be like tomorrow night. It's going to get the adrenaline going. It's going to be exciting.

Q. What has Kyrie meant to you guys?

JOSH GREEN: He means everything. Kyrie has been an amazing leader for not only me but everyone else on the team. He's competitive. Since day one, all sights have been on making it to the Finals. It's not only Kyrie. Kyrie is a great leader. Luka is a great leader. All the team has been so tight.

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