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June 11, 2024

Sam Hauser

Boston Celtics

Practice Day

Q. Have you talked to Kristaps today? How is he doing?

SAM HAUSER: All I know is that he is working his butt off to try to be ready to go for tomorrow. That’s really all I know.

Q. What can you say about the off-court vibes and friendships that you’ve formed throughout the season?

SAM HAUSER: I think that is the beauty of our team. We’re friends off the court as well as on the court. Not every team you’re on is like that. Every guy gets along with each other. Dach guy individually has his own personality, but it all kind of works.

Q. If Kristaps is unable to go, how much does that change things for you guys?

SAM HAUSER: He obviously poses a lot of different threats for us and the other team. We’d love to have him out there, but if he can’t go, everybody just has to step up. We’ve shown we can do it throughout the Playoffs when he’s not there to play, but obviously we’re really hoping he can play.

Q. What is the biggest challenge you have to overcome to win this game and go up 3-0?

SAM HAUSER: We just have to be laser focused. I think the biggest challenge is being on the road. Dealing with the fans. Players are usually more comfortable on their home court. We just have to come out and be ready to go.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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