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June 11, 2024

Brooke Henderson

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You've been here a lot. Played here a lot. How exciting is it to be back here once again?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I'm so excited to be back here. I love Grand Rapids. I have lots of family and friends in the area, which makes it really fun and special to be here. Obviously winning twice, a long time ago now, but I have lots of great memories, and I'm really looking forward to teeing it up on Thursday and hopefully posting a low score and see what happens.

Q. What's it been like to win the tournament, have those great rounds here, and have those memories?

BROOKE HENDERSON: For sure. You know, those two tournament victories really made a huge impact on my career and gave me a lot of confidence and motivation moving forward.

I'm excited to be back on a course where I have so many great memories. Hopefully I can try to recreate some of them and put myself in a good position on the weekend.

Q. Since you've won twice, you know what it takes to win here. What do you think you're going to have to do here this week to win again?

BROOKE HENDERSON: There is always a ton of birdies here; at the same time, the course can play tough. You have to be are a really good ball-striker, put the ball in really good positions around the greens, and hopefully the putter is hot and you make some putts.

Q. What is it about this course that's is so kind to all the golfers?

BROOKE HENDERSON: For me it's very similar to a lot of the courses I grew up playing on in Canada, so I love the way it feels, very traditional, tree-lined.

So I have -- it really suits my eye and I really feel comfortable out there, which is great.

I think just with the general atmosphere, it's so fun. There is always so many people, so many big crowds and fans. Everyone is just really excited to be here, and I look forward to that energy this weekend.

Q. You mentioned the crowds. This has become a staple on the Tour. People of Grand Rapids and west Michigan love coming here. How much fun is it to play when you have three, four deep on a Saturday and Sunday around the entire course?

BROOKE HENDERSON: For sure. This is probably one of our best crowds all year. Coming to this event there are always so many fans and it's always exciting and so much energy. A lot of on my family and friends, they love the J Brewers tent on No. 4. They spend a lot time in there.

There are so many fun activities for the whole family outside of the golf, and the golf is almost just a bonus with everything else going on.

It's just a great week.

Q. Out of all the tournaments you play, is this one of them that you look forward to the most maybe given you won this twice before and you have an opportunity to win a third one?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I always look forward to coming back here. So many great memories and great things about this event, including for Simply Give. Having so much impact on the local communities and giving back in that way is really special to me and I know it is for a lot of other players as well.

Just a very meaningful event. Having past success here it's very exciting to return, and I look forward to the opportunity to try to win my third here.

Q. Overall, how is preparation going so far this week? Coming off your recent results, how are you feeling with everything that's happened, and just a feel for I'm sure you've already been out there so far.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, this year has been a good year so far. I got off to a hot start few months ago. Kind of cooled off the last little while, but feel like I'm trending in the right direction, which is a good thing, right towards the heat of the summer where we have a lot of the big events, including this one. Hopefully get off to a hot start on Thursday, Friday, see what happens on the weekend.

Q. Are you a hockey woman? Any predictions for the Stanley Cup finals?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, for sure. It doesn't look so good for the Oilers right now. Maybe we'll have a comeback. I also live in Florida in the winter so both teams would be great to be champions.

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