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June 11, 2024

Georgia Oboh

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome Georgia Oboh to the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give. Your third, I believe, LPGA Tour event; first since 2022.

How excited are you to be teeing it up on the LPGA Tour this week?

GEORGIA OBOH: Well, I just thank God for the opportunity. I would like to thank the John Shippen and Meijer for their sponsorship of the John Shippen, and it's just great to be out here.

Q. I know you won the John Shippen Invitational last week. Talk about the impact that this has on yourself and on the black community here in the States.

GEORGIA OBOH: Well, I think it just further adds on to John Shippen, Jr's legacy of bringing golf to all communities. It's just a wonderful opportunity to be able to compete for LPGA exemptions, and also just to be surrounded by more girls who look like my and come from my similar background.

Overall, it's a great opportunity.

Q. How important is that opportunity and the impact you hope to make on girls who look like, you as you said?

GEORGIA OBOH: I think it's just another steppingstone to be playing on the LPGA full time. I'm just grateful for the opportunity we've had the past few years and how the John Shippen events have grown stronger and stronger every year.

Q. How big of a goal is it for yourself to play out here on the LPGA Tour week in and week out? What are some things you're doing to achieve that goal?

GEORGIA OBOH: First and foremost, I guess I should just thank God that I was able to find golf and to have such wonderful parents and family that support me every step of the way.

It's been my dream to really play on the LPGA since I was probably six years old, and to finally be out here and playing an LPGA event is a dream come true and I just thank God for everything.

Q. What is this week like for you and what are you looking forward to heading into Thursday?

GEORGIA OBOH: Well, it's a wonderful opportunity just to be here, and really a lot of things are outside of my control, and I can just focus on my preparation and my prayers, and just soaking in all this experience.

Q. Obviously you said you won the John Shippen Invitational. Already played on this course. What made you successful winning the Invitational and how are you going to take that into this week? And is preparation a little bit different because this is an LPGA event or are you staying the course?

GEORGIA OBOH: Mostly staying my course. The main difference is this is a four-day event versus John Shippen being a two day.

Really just focusing on all the great things God has put inside of me and just being able to showcase that at the right time.

Q. Talking about being on this tour, and you're going to be up against some of the best golfers in the world.

GEORGIA OBOH: Well, it's great. I've played with some of them before and also watched a lot of them compete on television.

I guess it's just another caveat to the whole experience playing with the best players in the world. There is the proverb, iron sharpens iron, and that's what I'm out here to do.

Q. Given you recently played at this course, do you feel like that's an advantage or do you feel more comfortable because you are going to play here a second consecutive week?

GEORGIA OBOH: Yes, definitely helps. Being a professional golfer you're so used to different courses and climates. Playing here again a second week is just a very comforting and helpful overall.

My caddie, he's a local, so he probably knows the course better than I ever could. It's just going to be a great week.

Q. Give me your thoughts about this course and your game and how is your game suitable for this course.

GEORGIA OBOH: Well, yeah, I think I just really like the course. It reminds me a lot of the courses I grew up playing in England and Europe. So I think it just suits me well off the tee. I hit it pretty straight off the tees, and I hit high, mid to high approach shots, so I think that really suits this course with a lot of false fronts and elevated greens.

So just really looking forward to what God has in store for me this week.

Q. If you could highlight some of the goals for yourself this week. Obviously winning and competing is a big one. Any smaller goals you're focusing in on?

GEORGIA OBOH: Staying patient. Taking it one shot at a time. It's very easy to get carried away on the golf course. And just remembering that I'm just as good a player as anyone out here and just be grateful for the opportunity.

Q. And this is just my last question: You mentioned watching a lot of the girls out here and watching them before. Any in particular you're excited to see this week or maybe watch or get impressions of?

GEORGIA OBOH: Well, that's an interesting question. So funny enough, as a member of the Ladies European Tour, I became a mentor for some rookies this season, so I am really looking forward to seeing how Nataliya Guseva is going to do this week.

Alexa Pano, we grew up playing junior golf together in Florida, and it's kind of like a homecoming seeing her playing out here.

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