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June 9, 2024

Adam Hadwin

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Quick Quotes

Q. I know the finish wasn't what you were looking for, but how difficult was it out there today and just kind of if you can characterize the round.

ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, obviously, an extremely tough golf course when things are going well, and I was kind of fighting things, for the most part, today. I didn't drive it in the fairway, which is enemy No. 1. Even when I did, I felt like I hit some good shots that just didn't work out.

I'm proud of the way I battled. It does sting to kind of finish the way I did, 16 through 18. I had put a Band-Aid on the round for a long time before that, previously, and the Band-Aid came off and it was carnage. So it's disappointing, but, look, I take a lot of positives away from this week. I can compete with some of the best players in the world on a very difficult golf course and that's what I'm going to have to do next week as well.

Q. How big is a week like this confidence-wise heading into the U.S. Open?

ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, it's going to be a very similar test, let's be honest. You're going to hit some good shots that don't get rewarded and you're going to have to scramble and stay patient and do all the things that I tried to do today. Again, lots of positives. You know, some small consolations come from maybe playing well enough early in the round to make some mistakes coming down the stretch, but I got to keep grinding, just keep doing what I'm doing and it will come.

Q. You used that word patience to describe this round. How much of that do you have to take into next week and how good of a test of patience was this for next week?

ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, I think it's a pretty good preparation. You could look at it one of two ways; either it's good prep for next week or we just got our butts kicked before going into next week. I expect the USGA to do what the USGA does, make it very difficult on us, challenge us mentally more than anything. So, yeah, I feel like I'm in a pretty good spot. I'm just going to have to kind of rest up and, again, just keep doing what I've been doing.

Q. Speaking of that rest, with last week obviously the Canadian Open huge for you Canadians and obviously this week, U.S. Open, Travelers, how have you kind of prepared for this big stretch of golf?

ADAM HADWIN: You know, get rest when needed. Obviously don't -- find that balance between pushing yourself to get better and prepare as, but also getting the proper rest. Sometimes just hanging out and taking an afternoon off can probably do more good than grinding it out on the range. I think my swing is in a really good spot, I had a great warm-up session today, it's amazing what a little bit of pressure will do. So, I just didn't have the same rhythm that I had the first three days and it cost me there coming down the stretch.

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